@jacobs spanish people thought same when VOX got more than 400k votes in last andalusian elections... Everyone has a vote and has same value than your vote or mine, each one has his/her one "Correct vote" but maybe the majority think different.
What did you vote in this poll? I didn't vote Speedy scout but reality is that this event got majority
@e-u-g-e-n-e said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@supernova-8 I just like using the
Ahahaha... Get outta here u maddy.
@supernova-8 what happened to you being confused a second ago
SUPERNOVA 8replied to Harry Poon on 21 Dec 2018, 16:17 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 21 Dec 2018, 16:29
@harry-poon said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Thanks everyone for voting for your favourite event!
The Scout won, he will arrive in his special Santa outfit!
Starts: December 21, 2 PM CEST | Ends: December 24, 11 AM CESTAll I have to say is : Woohoo!
Alleluia brothers!!!
We normally had to wait for 16 or so hours for our Scout to return back to us , most of the times to get the chance to buy just 1 decent player out of the 3 scouted ones.
16 agonising hours and if I ever forgot to use my Scout , when I really needed a new improved player for my next round's line up, my game and mood was ruined !Talking about real speed!
In just 2 hours our precious Scout is back with his goodies now?
Oh, I'll take that! Thank you Sir !@E-U-G-E-N-E I read your second reply. U and ur smilies practice ! Arghhhh. Eu lil devil !
And please don't spam the topic dear ! -
King_Jamiu_10replied to Cutters Choice_NL on 21 Dec 2018, 17:03 last edited by King_Jamiu_10 21 Dec 2018, 17:08
@furrax_nl said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@jacobs But getting the scout is cheaper. 2 bc instead of 16 bc. I like it.
Yeah! This is the best part of it. You can speed up your scout with only 2 boss coins instead of the usual 16 boss coins you have to pay if you wish to speed up your scout and if you are very lucky to sell lots of players this weekend you'll be able to utilize your scout and build a very strong team over the weekend with very little cost.
This event is so useless. You still have to pay 15 BC per player. And who cares if it takes 16 or 2 hours. I always start scouting a player before I have the money, so when I can buy the player the scout is already back for a long time. I think the training progress event would be useful for a lot more players.
And the snow effects are soo disturbing, how can I turn it off? -
No. Getting the scout is 2 BC instead of 16. Player is the same. Not useless...
@furrax_nl you can also wait for 16 hours... itβs not forbidden!
SUPERNOVA 8replied to DSL Modem on 21 Dec 2018, 20:44 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 21 Dec 2018, 22:53
@dsl-modem said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Hi there.
True we still have to pay for the scouted player. But thats old news. Do you use your scout ? Yes you do, so you said it.
You say useless. I say usefull, "one man's trash is another man's treasure" ( or another woman's since I'm not a man)
You mentioned the training speed up. No problem. We had that Speedy feature few days ago. All features are rotated to Speedy ones to satisfy each manager's needs. But this time the result came from the voters. Did you vote via your app for the Xmas special Speedy?About the snow effects I will have to ask first.
I can get back to you if there is a way to disable it. Ok ? -
This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
SUPERNOVA 8replied to Cutters Choice_NL on 21 Dec 2018, 20:53 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 21 Dec 2018, 22:14This post is deleted!
SUPERNOVA 8replied to Marcopot97 on 21 Dec 2018, 21:49 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 21 Dec 2018, 21:50
@marcopot97 said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@furrax_nl you can also wait for 16 hours... itβs not forbidden!
Hi Marco.
Correct! Nobody says it's forbiden.
But for all those managers who participate in really long and competitive leagues with drained TLs it can be undesired!Scouting Categories and Costs:
β’ Standard Scouting Cost : Only Club Funds + 15 Bcoins for each purchased player.
β’ Standard Speeded Up Scouting Cost : Club Funds + 16 Bcoins ( 1 for every hour we had to wait for results ) + 15 Bcoins for each player.
β’ Super Speedy Scouting Event Costs: Club Funds + only 2 boss coins ! ( cause now we get results in just 2 hours! ) + 15 Bcoins for each player .
The cost of buying a new scouted player was no secret for us.
The point on these special events has to do clearly with time. And time is money too!Conclusion
GB actually loses profits with each Event, only to benefit her Osm managers and bring more excitement.
Osm Managers actually save money, Bcoins & precious time by using the Xmas Speedy Scout.
Not really...GB wants us to use the scout more often to pay more BC -
@supernova-8 It's very kind of you that you want to defend GB and their events, but saying GB loses profit with each event doesn't make any sense.
Normally, you can scout 3 players in a 16 hour time frame. Buying all those 3 players will cost you 45 boss coins. Now, you can scout 24 players in a 16 hour time frame. Buying all those 24 players will cost you 360 boss coins. Don't be afraid GB will lose money on an event like this, it's in fact a huge cash cow
Sadly enough, events like this make the game even more pay-to-win than it already is. Like I said on the first page of this topic, more than a year ago: Maybe it's time for a "promotion" that doesn't encourage the manager to spend tons of boss coins?
I'm still waiting..
SUPERNOVA 8replied to Memphis United_NL on 21 Dec 2018, 22:38 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 22 Dec 2018, 12:01
@memphis-united_nl said in Promotions/Campaigns:
Normally, you can scout 3 players in a 16 hour time frame. Buying all those 3 players will cost you 45 boss coins. Now, you can scout 24 players in a 16 hour time frame. Buying all those 24 players will cost you 360 boss coins.
I'm not trying to defend GB here. I simply use my logic to express my honest opinion as an Osm manager. Nothing more nothing less.
I believe I do have that right like all of us , don't I ? Plus, last time I checked (sadly) I didn't get any salary from GB nor am I a stockholder.
You expect me to believe that the average manager will play the way you mentioned?
I'm sorry but I have to disagree.
And please try not to be that sarcastic. It does not honor you or me. For the record , the only thing I'm afraid of in my life is God! And you are not Him.
Thank you. -
Memphis United_NLreplied to SUPERNOVA 8 on 21 Dec 2018, 23:00 last edited by Memphis United_NL 21 Dec 2018, 23:03
@supernova-8 It's just an illustration. Scout comes back faster -> scout can/will be used more -> managers will spend more boss coins. It's simple as that and we all know it works this way.
@memphis-united_nl It's an illustration you say. So whats your point? Is there a single game on web that doesn't use promoting campaigns? Or any company around the world for that matter?
You have every right to feel this way. You expressed your opinion and I respect that.
If this event isn't of your taste then don't use it.
You can always wait for the one that suits you the most. Simple as that. Goodnight to you. -
@supernova-8 I don't know in what kind of leagues you are playing, but in a strong league you are forced to make use of it if you want to compete with your opponents, since the scout is a very powerful game tool. I hope you see my point now. Goodnight
@memphis-united_nl Nobody has suggested
that you'd stop using your scout. I only said forget about the Speed Event if it doesn't suit you. Just use the Standard way.
And thank you.