League Manager's Benefits
@liran1 Hello & welcome to the World forum .
Please have a look at this topic : https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/41385/my-own-league/2
After that let me know if you need to know anything else... -
Posted by @LiraN1
@liran1 said in Remove other managers inactive:
Re: League manager
Please elaborate about this option:
" Remove from your league any manager that might be inactive for more than 3 days "
@liran1 Hello again.
You can kick inactive managers only if you are the Moderator of the league. You can only become a league's Moderator whenever you use Boss Coins to create a brand new league from scratch. And not when you just use Boss Coins to pick a certain Club to manage , in those cases OSM will be once again the league's Moderator.
Thus, when or If you're the league moderator then you can go to your Manager List and there you will find the option to kick any inactive manager. This action will be available for any manager that has been inactive ( has not logged in on your league ) for more than 3 days.Notice Please do not open new topics if you need to add or ask something new for the same subject. You can simply post it in here again.
Thank you in advance.