WCC 2016 - Round 3
Group X :
★TRBYL★ vs Idios AssassinsHome team :
G1 - Skenderbeu Korçe
Hank Strama
G3 - Vllaznia Shkorderroger75
G5 - Flamurtari VloreEddie77
G7 - Teuta DurrescutterXL (C)
G9 - FK LaçiJ.Shephard (PM)
"Home Team"
G1- Skenderbeu Korçe : SERUMENUKENO
G3 - Vllaznia Shkorder : SORIN83
G5 - Flamurtari Vlore : ALEXSONIK
G7 - Teuta Durres : PETROVSKI
G9 - FK Laçi : PHILIPS170 ( PM ) ( CPT ) -
Group O
Hungarian Fighters :flag_hu: vs. Zero Tolerance :flag_ru:"Home" Team
G1- Skenderbeu Korçe
Carlos Tomkins (C, PM)
G3 - Vllaznia Shkorderchypy20
G5 - Flamurtari VloreGipsz Béla
G7 - Teuta DurresJoe Reeves
G9 - FK LaçiTusA18
@Lord-Supreme Group X - Round 3
GLADIATORS BRASIL vs The Dillion Panthers
G1 - Lord Supreme C and PM
G3 - João Victor Queiróz
G5 - willian pelinson
G7 - Guiga1984
G9 - Pabllo CruzOne chance, sorry for this..
ALANIA (Away team)
G1 - Partizani Tirane : Panagiotis21
G3 - FK Kukesi : gatamarios
G5 - KF Tirana : rits
G7 - KS Korabi : ξαναρθα or kavliaris gate 13 or dr pap
G9 - Luftetari Gjirokast : DE XRIST (c) -
@RidiculousOne said in WCC 2016 - Round 3:
@RidiculousOne said in WCC 2016 - Round 3:
Tugas vs Competitii"Home Teams"
G1- Skenderbeu Korçe -Danilo Abe
G3 - Vllaznia Shkorder -RonaldoFla
G5 - Flamurtari Vlore -mattoscabofrio
G7 - Teuta Durres -tonycorreia
G9 - FK Laçi -Nerlig
(PM)Good luck to everyone!
I'm sorry but we were forced to make changes in alignment.
Group U: The French Mercenaries Vs Master Coach
Away team:
G1 Partizioni Tirane--> Sergio Labo
G3 FK Kukesi--> dainomilano (C)
G5 KF Tirana--> Baldi88
G7 KS Korabi--> Cixxx90
G9 Luftetari Gijrokast--> Mister Baldo74 -
The lineup post after this is a Pinalty
The groups below did not post their alignments. Are you going to align ???
The Best of Turkey @mrtgll33 @F.S.M.0.13
Black Warriors @babbyteam @grillosalterino
Nação Brasil @Mano-Meneses. @Kuatii
Argentinos al Mango @ApoKaLipSisNeW @dario-the-vice @Knyser
Esquadra Crowd @Jhonatan-Mike
AY YILDIZ TEAM @M.Dural @kayrakemall
PortVcale @Ktulo7 @rickypacheco
Dynamis @sorincfc @Claudir-Costa
Fenerbahce SK @tades77 @republic_cc53
Nação Tupi @Felipe-Miléo @M-Fernandes-2000
The Dillon Panthers @King_Jamiu_10 @phaultseberg
If there is no alignment within 12 hours, the group will take W.O.
Group N
The Bulls vs Águia BrasilAway Team
G1>>> Partizani Tirane - Daniel Oliveira Nogueira (C)
G3>>> FK Kukesi - DoomsdayRO
G5>>> KF Tirana - Fabiãn Slevenko
G7>>> KS Korabi - joao do nv
G9>>> Luftetari Gjirokast - Daniel Th -
Gruppo D round 3 Bw Vs The Best of Turchia
G1 - Partizani Tirane grillosalterino
G3 - FK Kukesi skyline-gt
G5 - KF Tirana babbyteam
G7 - KS Korabi massimo2812
G9 - Luftetari matteo91 -
FK Kukesi skyline-gt
Sorry friends, but without mentioning a few words I cannot. Whether it be a war in wars or for any other reason for failing to exit forfeiting or forfeit teams never welcome that mm is not possible. Then, from the beginning you won't be attending the tournament. What, spend all that time trying all that hard work, do all the thinking for someone else because of the efforts of labor to reflect the time you waste it. It is not a disrespectful thing.
Group W
Romanian Revolutionists vs Nação Tupi
G1 - Partizani Tirane
M.Fernandes 2000 (C)
G3 - FK KukesiLéo Campos10
G5 - KF TiranaFelipe Miléo
G7 - KS KorabiBryan 97
G9 - Luftetari Gjirokastjoemitao
@Bayram-Karakuş What is the problem first? If you want to tell what you are speaking with a proper English. We understand them very hard and read them.