Is this normal?
I was looking through one of my OSM friends (He is from Hong Kong) league's (Premier league) and 18 of the 20 teams were taken up by managers, and 11 of them were from Japan (all of them were not in crews). They all last logged in on Christmas day (Besides one person that last logged on December 24 and one person that last logged on December 26.) They all started playing OSM on December 24 or December 25th, so I am wondering if a person has multiple accounts or if this is normal.
@uchenna-a you don't have to write it on the forum.
If you think he is a cheater, you have to report him (you must be in the same league with him).
Furthermore, when you open a topic you should write a title that can helpuser/moderators to undestand his content, not a generic one -
@Daniele-Benjiamin I am just wondering if this is normal. I don't definitely think he is a cheater, I am just wondering if it is normal or if it may be cheating. I have never seen or identified a potential cheater, so instead, I am first wondering if this is a normal thing or if this is suspicious. Also, I wrote the title like this because that is the main question that is built on my explanation. I don't write long titles that tell half of the story before someone even reads my explanation.
if you want a generic answer, it is: all can be.
Example: a group of friend can start playing together for joke...and don't playing anymore. -
@Daniele-Benjiamin I don't quite understand what you mean.
What does "all can be" have anything to do with what I was talking about?
I am looking for an answer of: It is normal or it is not normal because...
if you aren't assuming that it could be a cheat (how you have written), the only answer is that it's normal.
Because if someone says it isn't normal, that it could be sospicious, the meaning would be: it's maybe a cheat, and how i have written before, it isn'a a think to speak about on forum -
@Daniele-Benjiamin Ok....
@Daniele-Benjiamin Hi, I'm the guy from Hong Kong. So this is what's happening in the league. So there are 4 of us who are active and play, chat and transfer players together. These managers are Der_Schredder from Tottenham, Mussol escarbollit from Liverpool, SIRBPLW (me) from Leicester and Alsameaà for Chelsea. Suddenly about a week ago, 16 managers from mostly japan came flooding into the league, and we didn't know who they were. They clogged it up and sadly we can't invite friends who really want to play. I asked Der_Schredder what was happening but, he didn't know either. we soon ran out of ideas when we saw that the moderator was OSM. So now we're a bit troubled. Thanks!
As my colleague @Daniele-Benjiamin has stated earlier, this is normal. But you @SIRBPLW are the one who plays in this league and if you suspect cheating of any kind, please follow the right procedure by going to their profile(s) and report them via the report cheater tool that you'll find on their profile. And also try to put as much evidence as possible.
Sorry, but cheating will never be discussed/reported or handled through forums.
Topic closed!