OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
As for the suggested players, it would be great if you make a player card like the FIFA game which has different cards with different colors and of course write the players post like the DMF. -
Suggestion: Assist in Team -> Squad section.
Im probably not the first one mentioning this, but wouldnt it be great that you guys reduce a bit "name section" of players view in your squad page and add asissts next to the goal stats?
Example: C.Ronaldo has one of the longer names in the game and there is still plenty of space (red section) to be reduced next to it in order to make room for assists stats on the right part of the page next to the goals.. wouldnt you say? Anyway, think about it, would also like to see what others have to say about this as well.
Matt -
I would like to suggest expanding crew capacity from 24 to 25 members.
I communicate with a number of crew leaders and almost all of them said that they don't understand why the capacity is set at 24 when only 20 can play battles. That leads to crews being 'forced' holding 20 active members making those four spots utterly useless...
My suggestion is to increase max. crew member count to 25 and max. simultaneous battles per crew from 4 to 5 so that all 25 members could participate.I hope this will get to those who make decisions around here
Best regards
@IvanAndal Yeah I agree 24 members is inconvenient and leaves out 4 members that would just need one more player for a fifth battle. 25 members max capacity is much better you can run 5 battles at a time and no one would be or feel left out.
@King_Jamiu_10 Sorry to mention this again but it has been 24 days now and I am still not seeing any mods answering any of the suggestions here, especially the ones that get a high amount of upvotes. Not asking for mods to respond to everything here but at least something, still every suggestion practically goes unheard or unresponded from mods. If the suggestions are going to be implemented or not, or if there is a flaw in them, then it would be nice for a mod to respond and give feedback or any critique or recommendation for the suggestion. If the suggestions are going to be implemented or are already implemented, then it would be good to get this response from mods if we are unaware of it. As I mentioned earlier, mods used to be more active here in this topic last year but so far this year, there are barely any response to any suggestions, even if they get many upvotes. Please would you or another mod be able to change this? Because it still feels like our voice is unheard or ignored in this topic by mods
P.S: Note this is not a rant against forum mods, just want to see you guys more active in this topic like you were before
@uchenna-a This is a suggestion topic where ALL users (not necessarily mods) are to discuss about suggestions made by other users and to share opinions, thoughts and ideas about these suggestions. What they think about the suggestion why they think it's a good idea or not, how it improves the game and so on and not about how many votes a suggestion gets or by other users just saying they support it or like the idea without explanation the reason why they think it's a good idea or not.
Because this isn't a question and answer topic we don't have to comment on every suggestion made only because of the number of votes it has, when we (mods) see that a suggestion is being discussed by more users then we too can add our thoughts if necessary.
But be rest assured that GB is aware of suggestions made in this topic and are already working to implement some of them.
@King_Jamiu_10 Yeah you guys don't have to comment on every suggestion, just comment on some please because it shows you guys are actually aware and contemplating our suggestions. If you guys are working to implement some of the suggestions then it would be nice to get verification in this topic of exactly which suggestions are getting implemented because to some people it may feel like their suggestions are going unheard since they don't get a response from mods. Thanks for your time
One more feature I'd love to see in OSM:
Entrance fee tournaments with rewards
A tournament where every manager has to pay a certain entrance fee 50/100/200 Boss Coins and those entrance fees are rewarded to the most succesful participants.
For example if there are 32 competitors in a tournament and every one of them pays a 100 BC entrance fee. That's a total of 3200 BC.
Rewards could be:
Semifinalsts - 100 BC (entrance fee return)
Runner-up - 1000 BC
Winner - 2000 BC(I repeat, thats just an example, but important is that everyone gets what is the general idea)
Of course for that cause there should be a new tournament introduced with all team of the equal value, number of players, ratings etc.
Rules could be the same as they are in battles (no BC compensation, no Training Camps, no Secret Training etc.)A penny for your thoughts
@IvanAndal love this idea. I donβt know how you can send the Boss coins though? Iβd help organise this if it ever happens
I would suggest expanding the crew ranking table. Namely, we can only see the top 100 crews.
My suggestion is to expand the table and see the positions of other crews.
When we would open a crew on the OSM web version, in addition to the number of members and medals points, there is a position of that crew on the table. I, as one of the crew captains in the TOP 100, would like to see the rest of our crews or crews from my own country and other neighboring countries.
I would also suggest introducing battle history on the OSM web version, so that we could also see the battle history of our crews and others on the web version.
I have an event suggestion, well 2, actually
Player increase: during that week, all players on your team and on the transfer list increase rating by 10 (this would only happen 4-6 times a year)
Manager point increase: all manager points earned will multiply by 10 (only 4-6 times a year) -
@jeffro-davies said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
@IvanAndal love this idea. I donβt know how you can send the Boss coins though? Iβd help organise this if it ever happens
You can't send coins. I thought it could be an official in-game thing, like battles etc. Not something organised by us via forum. I don't see how that could be done
What would the 1st point achieve? If every player goes up by 10 points, then what's the difference?
I don't agree with the 2nd point either, you can get good or bad luck with results in that period, and that would affect your points too much. -
@uchenna-a said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
I have 3 suggestions for new weekend events, I also told AlyssaGB these suggestions as well:
- Face value price event: All Players in the Transfer List (excluding players that were put on the Transfer list by managers in your league) and players from the Scout are on the transfer list at their face value. For example, an 87 overall Lautaro Martinez is on the transfer list at 15.2 million, his player value.
- Faster and extreme training progression weekend: The 4-hour training event and the extreme training progression are a combination and are on the same weekend. Since this is such a huge bonus, this promotion could only happen 4-6 times a year.
- Cheaper Scout event: Players from the Scout will cost 5 boss coins instead of 15 boss coins. (In the future, this cheaper scout event could also maybe be a combination with the faster scout event. Once again, this combination event could only happen 4-6 times a year because it would be such a huge bonus.)
One thing I would like to see is more weekend events that are good because OSM lacks enough good weekend events, that's why we see the same ones so often. But what do you guys think?
Here's another one: OSM world cup (similar to Ivanandal's proposal, just with free entrance)
So, it would start out like this, the top 200 in the game would be allocated in zones for each continent, and those countries would play between each other to designate a champion, which would earn 500 Boss Coins (all others get 100), and then they play in the continent to designate a continental champion, which would win 1000 Boss Coins (all others get 250), and then, in a intercontinental tournament would come the winners of each continent, and the winner would get 10000 Boss Coins (all others get 1000)
Games could be played once a week, and the tournament would be once a year, -
@Josemaldonado_1 I also forgot to mention the following: You start with a 50 million budget, no player on the transfer list is lower than 85 in rating, and you pick one of your teams you played with in the past, and you keep the players you had when you ended the season with that team
@Josemaldonado_1 Top 200 countries
@Josemaldonado_1 just realized there are only 192 countries in the game, so it would be 150 countries
Can we please have a block button of some sort. Iβm getting PMs constantly, at least 10-15 different managers and in different languages a day and I ignore them and they still they keep sending them. This is starting to get very irritating. Or at least have the option to turn notifications off PMs. I need my notifications on for timers