[Community request] - Reinstating the Balkan Community
It would be great if it actually happened. I really believe that if GB gives us a second chance it could be, a big step in the right direction. And we will give everything to show you that we deserve to have a community. We will create a forum where a reasonable discussion can take place, where players help each other. A place of mutual respect. All I’m asking is for a return of respect. When someone is making an request about something others have requested about, respectfully explain why it is/isn't a good idea. We're all human beings here, none of us is better than the other.
Great post @IvanAndal
@IvanAndal I agree, it would be nice
I support your idea but don't call it Balkan Community only slavic countries. Albania, Kosovo, Greece, Bulgaria etc (Romania has its own community). Maybe would be better to call it 'Slavic Community' or something like that, because you can't include Albanians in community we can't be part of it since we don't speak your language (our parents maybe they did but not us, we don't learn serbian language anymore in our schools)
And if you mention Balkan crews, let me remember who's the best Balkan (not Slavic) crew right now in top100 battle app. Cheers
@To each and every one of You - The osm football enthusiasts
A really great and useful initiative, with a serious argumentation!
Hopefully, GM management will take a serious interest in this topic and soon enough reinstated the Balkan language group on the forum and in-game language!
Gamebasics BV ( Online soccer manager) and Balkan community can do a lot of good and remarkable things together, so we should all help each other out, and stand together in this because together we are stronger!
Support for you and your community
@IvanAndal I agree.
Good luck to you -
Yea mate, great idea!!
Great idea it will be good for a lot of new players.
@IvanAndal Good idea! I will liked to play osm on our language!
It would be great if this happen. We will see. Well done Ivan
@IvanAndal this is very good post, Nice work
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Re: [Community request] - Reinstating the Balkan Community
Top idea!!!
@IvanAndal great idea, support
Nice ! :)))
Picture speaks for itself.
First of all I would like to thank you for all the time and work you had to put this idea forward, but I'm afraid we'll have to reject it.
We can never talk about reinstate something that never existed!
We never had any Balkan community... We had long ago several of those languages available as well as forums.
What we had back then was grouped the management of those versions in just one leader.
But as you all know and proved it recently (https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/47259/authorized-balkan-winter-cup-individual-championship-of-balkan/178), this won't work.
While some of you may have enough maturity, you can't talk by all managers and every day we spot examples that it won't work. The simple fact that we set a competition with some of the countries talked in here, just woke up some of those users. Recently there have been tons of posts with insults on OSM community group, on every post where one of the nations is involved!The oldest ones around here remember for sure the number of attempts made and solutions tried to keep the communities around, but it just didn't work.
Beside all this, none of the communities has the minimum numbers at this time required to consider to implement them individually!
Again, I would like to thank you for your time on preparing this proposal!