Can't Edit My League's Settings
I started an All Stars League and there was no transfer option in the league, that's okey, we knew it. We enjoyed and decided to go for the next season,
I have chosen England Premier League but I didn't check all the settings, I assumed that I can change it whenever I want. Then we complete All Stars league, and started the next season in England Premier League.
But I saw that there is no transfer list. I tried to change the setting but I even couldn't change from private to a public league, and also there is no advanced options button.
Please help me to change settings of the league not to quit from the league ! My league number is 92161700. Problem ScreenShot)
@S2mS10ic Hi mate,
there's nothing that you can do. You're previous league was a All Stars League. Transfers are automaticaly disabled in All Stars League. When you continue your season the settings of the previous season are automaticaly taken over. You can't change advanced tools when the season is underway. You will either have to play this season without transfers or resign once the first match has been played. If you continue to play in this league and are going to set the settings for next season, don't forget to turn the transfers on.
Thanks Lirind