OSM WC 2020 Edition
Hey bosses, OSM World Championship is back with it's 2020 edition!
- What is OSM World Championship?
OSM World Championship is an official event organized by the OSM staff for the outstanding managers in this game, based on the total number of manager points they earned during a set period. No cheaters or managers with forum bans will be allowed to join the competition and play in it, whether they were found guilty during the qualification period, after it, or during the World Championship itself.
OSM World Championship format
156 managers (including 4 best of last edition that won't need to qualify for it)
3 rounds
- Round 1: 13 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 3 managers from 12 leagues and the other 12 managers already qualified go through to Round 2
- Round 2: 4 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 3 managers from each league go through to Round 3
- Round 3: 1 league of 12 managers » The winner of the league is the OSM World Champion 2020.
Special Leagues for each round (No BCs compensation, No training camps, No Secret trainings neither transfers. Remaining features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round)
- How to get a place in OSM World Championship?
- Only leagues with a minimum of 14 matches played on it will be taken into account.
- Qualification period will be between 1st December 2019 and 31st May 2020, but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account.
- How to know if I have a place in OSM World Championship?
- You will receive by PM your invitation to accept or decline it. This edition, we don't have yet exactly date but probably you won't receive the PM before 15th June.
- You can receive an invitation to get a sub place, we all know that every year some users decide to decline their place or simply they don't say nothing about. If you are a subs, as soon as you can fill a free place we will let you know.
- I get a place in OSM World Championship, what must I know?
- OSM WC is an individual competition, you must play for yourself and respect all OSM rules. We must have always fair play and don't let win someone only because is your crewmate, your friend, etc.
- 1st round, if we don't have any problem, will begin Wednesday, 1st July, and you must have a free slot at least one day before league have been created. (Finally, We are going to start 25th June)
- We need league moderators to send invitations, if you get a place and are able to do it just let us know by PM to take it into consideration.
- I think that i deserve a place this edition, what can I do?
- If you didn't receive an invitation but you are sure that you get enough points, you can ask me ( @Markez17 ) by PM about it. Be sure that you recolect more than 35.000 manager points, didn't receive a ban or suspension and you follow all OSM rules. We will see again your case and say why you don't get a place.
- If you ask about it but you know perfectly why you don't get and only want to make troubles... Think about it two times before do that, you can be punished for it!
And for finish, think that:
- Don't read rules don't justify that you don't follow them.
- OSM WC organization will take the best solution if something not expected happens in OSM, keep calm and ask before be pesimistic!
Regards and have fun,
OSM WC organization -
@Kings-Dutza Hello, I was waiting in order to make the post and have it as 1st one of new topic page, with main WC information.
I'm waiting to receive the final WC list and check all new entries. -
Everything it is clear....thanks a lot for faster answer!
@MarioDG10 good
My score
Total: 41,679 -
I think it's not enough because I didn't play actively during the winter, but let me know if I am still in:
Slot 2:
31-12-2019 - Lecce - 1422 points
8-2-2020 - Borac - 2720 points
12-3-2020 - Ranheim - 2900 points
5-4-2020 - Shelbourne - 3755 points
28-5-2020 - Barnsley - 7680 pointsTotal between 14/12/2019 and 31/05/2020: 18.477 manager points
Hello all!
I'm happy because this edition, the final WC checking have a big % percentage of valid managers. It means that make easier my job and I already have done the check during last weekend, when usually I need time until 10-12 June.
I'm going to send all invitations between today and tomorrow (If nothing unexpected happens) and we can start this edition one week before than previous editions. At this point, the WC 2020 schedule should be:
Send invitations: Between 8/6/2020 and 9/6/2020
Accept/Decline: Until 18/6/2020
Make groups: Between 22/6/2020 and 23/6/20201st round: 25/6/2020
End 1st round: 21/7/2020Semifinal: 24/7/2020 (Provisional)
End Semifinal: 19/8/2020Final 21/8/2020 (Provisional)
End Final 16/9/2020In this topic page (And 1st topic post) you have all main information about the event and what you must know if you get an invitation or not. Don't try to disturb or look for conflict with the organization or other managers, any doubt that you can't find in this topic, just send me a private message.
Thanks for your time!
@Markez17 Hello. You have sent message in OSM for Shah Mobin and مملکه الاحواز العربیه and invitations them in the World Championship.
They talked to me and they want to participate in these competitions. Please register their names for this round of competitions.Is it possible for me to register their? (They can't log in to the forum due to sanctions against Iran)
@amir-h-b-80 No, you can't register other manager. They must reply me the private message.
@Markez17 said in OSM WC 2020 Edition:
@Markez17 said in OSM WC 2020 Edition:
Starting date: Not yet defined, but should be early July 2020!
You posted start date early July 10 days ago. Can you please keep that date? I did count on that date and some people might not have an account available within 13 days.
Hello all again!
Yesterday, all 156 WC invitations were sent to managers by private message (104 of them already replied and all give their OK). Later today, I'm going to send a message to the 30-35 first reserves.
I understand some of you are excited and expect an instant reply but think about my situation... I'm receiving a lot of messages at same time, I'm trying to give you all an "Ok!" in order to let you know that I receive your reply but please, be patience and understand I have a life and I'm human
Those manager who already receive the message, remember we are always looking for league moderators, they just need to invite other managers in the same league. Just PM me if you want to make reality one more edition this event!
Thank you all!
@KoningCo I understand you viewpoint, at the moment nobody who got WC invitation let me know that this new date it's a problem for him/her.
Managers who are fighting for a place usually save a slot for this event, anyway I sent the invitation 8/6 and 1st Round starts 25/6... You all have more than two weeks to have a free slot if you want to play WC and receive the invitation!
If someone consider that four leagues he/she is playing at this moment is more important that play WC... They can refuse the invitation, it's not a problem. -
WC 2020 qualification period
Some managers are asking me about a crewmate or friend who got more or less same points than him/her and the crewmate got a place but he/she didn't.
Just to inform you all, I find in the WC list was provided to me in order to check accounts, points are the sum between 1st December (Not 14th December) and 31st May.
It means that those manager who end a league between 1st December and 14th December counts too for them in order to qualify to WC 2020 edition.First of all, of course... SORRY! I just find 7-8 cases of managers who have those "extra points", most of them got a place with or without that. Not a huge impact on the list but of course I'm going to adjust it and talk with affected managers if it's needed to let them know the situation and procedure.
Thank you to those manager who contacted with me and, after discuss it, we find the "issue". Let's keep working and I'm going to find a solution to not prejudice nobody.
@Markez17 said in OSM WC 2020 Edition:
156 WC invitations
How many points were required to qualify for this top 156? I see that there were less than 150 applications in this topic.
@KoningCo We don't know the exactly the amount until 1st round starts... But we all can be sure that more than 37k points!
When someone wants to share their points is just for information, not for applications! -
Markez17 Spanish Usersreplied to Markez17 on 9 Jun 2020, 16:05 last edited by Markez17 9 Jun 2020, 16:11
@Markez17 said in OSM WC 2020 Edition:
WC 2020 qualification period
Some managers are asking me about a crewmate or friend who got more or less same points than him/her and the crewmate got a place but he/she didn't.
Just to inform you all, I find in the WC list was provided to me in order to check accounts, points are the sum between 1st December (Not 14th December) and 31st May.
It means that those manager who end a league between 1st December and 14th December counts too for them in order to qualify to WC 2020 edition.First of all, of course... SORRY! I just find 7-8 cases of managers who have those "extra points", most of them got a place with or without that. Not a huge impact on the list but of course I'm going to adjust it and talk with affected managers if it's needed to let them know the situation and procedure.
Thank you to those manager who contacted with me and, after discuss it, we find the "issue". Let's keep working and I'm going to find a solution to not prejudice nobody.
Gamebasics provided me a new list, we try to compare both and see the impact.
Because I understand someone can say this is an unfair thing if we keep using the 1st list...During today/tomorrow:
- WC invitation message will be send to those managers who appear in the 152 first places who didn't receive it yesterday.
- Manager who receive the invitation with the 1st list, confirm the place and now they keep having the place, will receive one message to confirm it and they don't need to do nothing.
- Manager who receive the invitation with the 1st list but now are in sub places with the correct list, will receive a message too to inform about the situation and give them my apologies, they can accep the sub role or decline the invitation, I understand it.
During this week:
- Subs places who didn't receive yet a message, will get it!
If someone isn't agree about get the correct list and use it in order to play WC edition or just want to criticize me due to his/her routine... Please, let me know and I give you my Events Manager place.
I don't understand much about your communication. Why did we have to post our results here? I thought you would select the best managers who posted here, but apparently you receive a list from OSM and approach the best 156 managers in the game and ask them if they want to play the World Cup?
@KoningCo said in OSM WC 2020 Edition:
Why did we have to post our results here?
this is a forum, so the aim is to create a kind of dialogue between users
@KoningCo OSM always had lists infront in order to see who were the managers who collected the most points in certain period. Why would only people who post be able to play? Not everyone uses the forum so It would not be fair that only those ones who post can play.
Good morning!
Just some points to clarify more the situation:
- 1st list seems to get points recollected from 1/12/2019 to 31/05/2020, something wrong. At first point, I think about keep wroking with the list and make minor changes.
- I can't get the WC manager list without help, Gamebasics must provide me always.
- Looking that some managers weren't agree (I understand it) and after receive the correct list, with points from 14/12/2019 to 31/05/2020, I spend all my time to compare both list, fix it and have the list 100% checked and send messages to all managers affected and new entries. (208 private messages if you want to know the number)
At this moment, everything is fine but some people keep pushing me and criticizing because they (Or a friend) don't have a place. We have the correct list, we have the same WC period and everyone wants to play but we have limited places.
Please, think twice before spamming or insulting me because I organize events for all of you, I don't win nothing with it and each time I feel I'm wasting my time because nobody recognize the effort and they think can do it better but I don't see no one prove it.PS: Yes, I read WC local topics in different communities too
@Markez17 hello manuel, every year you do a great job .. and i know the effort it takes behind a tournament! it is exhausting. a "little mistake / inattention" (which is human!) cannot judge your punctuality and professionalism.
good job and we can't wait to start!