Braggers & Boasters !
I manage to finish a league with 100% clean sheet. No goal against me! -
@baldu-hitam said in Braggers & Boasters !:
I manage to finish a league with 100% clean sheet. No goal against me!Wow! That's very impressive my friend. Congratulations for your performance! Keep up the good work. :thumbsup_tone1: :v_tone1:
@marjan2241 Great result my friend !!! Keep winning this way !!!
@alexander-6666 Thank you Alex for the support
Well, the league was interesting most of the time, but 4,5 days before the end i knew i was gonna win it ! ;D
Maybe i was just lucky only to draw 1 game, who knows, but it's always fun and interesting when any player wins double crown undefeatedNext league, who knows, I haven't decided it yet, but i'm hoping it's gonna be interesting like this one
@stupidpro outstanding
Never celebrate too early!
Thanks to the red card my opponent has managed to unlock the Lucky Shot achievement. -
@silvester-j_nl Wow, haha... Too bad that's the only one I'm still missing
Didn't train him much because I was getting the rest of my team to 100 first but he's scoring like a maniac
. Few more matches to go