BUG: Achievements not possible to Claim
Hi All,
We've managed to fix the majority of the achievement situations, but unfortunately there are still some cases that need manual intervention.
If your case is not fixed the please report it in here.
All the cases, where progress bar isn't full, please provide us evidences (screenshots) that you managed to achieve it. Please let us know also in which account you achieved!
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience
@Hespera TOP 100 - i didnt got the achievement http://prntscr.com/ehi1da
i think that Top 100 have nothing to do with Slots, or.....?
@Lirind Unfortunately we don't have any record of it.
The screenshot itself is not clear enough no date/time stamp and not clear to who it belongs to.
If you have a screenshot from the top 100 on that day with you in there, then we can assign it. -
@Hespera no i dont have from that day screen but the screen is from Android because on Android you know the ranking, on WEBB no and this is from the http://prntscr.com/ehipee
@Lirind said in BUG: Achievements not possible to Claim:
@Hespera no i dont have from that day screen but the screen is from Android because on Android you know the ranking, on WEBB no and this is from the WEBB http://prntscr.com/ehipee
@Lirind i posted this problem but forgott to post the screens http://prntscr.com/ehiuy1
Still not achieved BOSS DI COPPA (CUP BOSS)
Even if I have 3/3 -
@simone.antonello I can see it's already unlocked now, correct?
@Hespera yes, thank you!
@Hespera Just let me know if you need anything else;
- Recognition
- Seasoned
- Golden Cleat
I won the achievements as listed above. The tournament was "World National Cup Quarter Finals". I played as "Belgium" and won. It was on my 3rd slot. Here is a screenshot from last round (02/28/2017-03/01/2017):
- The Negotiator
I won this achievement on 03/01/2017. It was in the league of "Turkey" as "Antalyaspor" which is on my 1st slot.