Wrong goal in Croatia for one club
So the major 3 clubs in Croatia are Dinamo,Rijeka,Hajduk
Dinamo's goal is 1 and that is fine
Hajduk goal is 3 and that is fine
But goal for Rijeka is set on 3 also ? I'm not sure who is editing league,it already says that the league is updated on to 17/18 season,but this is broken.
Rijeka won the championship and cup this year,and goal 3 is a joke.Club has much more money than Hajduk and higher objectives currently.Fix this,obviously someone from Croatia wasn't doing this.It should be at least Goal 2,it may be a little difference from Goal 3 to Goal 2 but it is a lot for us who know how are the things going in Croatia,it's a joke to see their Goal set on 3 -
Hi, please take a look at this topic >>>https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/1518/real-world-player-errors-corrections/69