The Manifesto - the Sports Bar's general politics topic
Welcome, fellow travellers, to The Manifesto - the primary political thread for the new OSM forums! This is a place for you to talk about politics, moan about politics, support your favourite political party, discuss political ideologies, debate about political figures... the possibilities are endless, so as long as you respect the rules and don't be abusive. Got it?
I start this thread with a somewhat unusual point of debate (although you may feel free to devolve from this point and talk about most things politics-related): Should Switzerland vote for or against shutting down its nuclear power plants on the 27th of November?
It's like the UK and the USA are having a competition to see who can screw themselves up the most.
The UK were leading, but the USA had a Trump card...
@Stevie-McSteveSteve said in The Manifesto - the Sports Bar's general politics topic:
It's like the UK and the USA are having a competition to see who can screw themselves up the most.
The UK were leading, but the USA had a Trump card...
This guy ^^
The UK has certainly not screwed themselves up. I voted leave and would do 100 times over. -
LOL ok hahahaha
@SaizicaaaaaaOfficial Haha :rofl: I actually worry what the world will be like once Donald Trump is in charge of The USA