You write cheating will never be discussed and watch my attitude. How can this be solved if not discussed when its obvious there is flaws in how admin acts? People like you that dont care and do not help?
Is it a bad attituted to tell the truth??
@konstantin-r4 Hi, again.
If you don't agree you can always sent a email to your local support team email or en team in English EN.support@onlinesoccermanager.comBut you'll have to keep one thing in mind that you think someone is cheating does not always mean that they really are cheating.
So you think it's normal to say things like this Is the cheater the friend of OSM??? WOW or One feeder club gets all money and OSM is blind??
So yeah that hasn't anything to do with telling the truth, since you have no idea how we work here.
If you wright the email it's to be adviced to cool down first before writing it.