Hai Kru Indonesia....
Informasi saja, Ini event EAGLE CUP 2018 sdh di sounding dan sdh open registrasi.
Bagi Kru yg ingin berpartisipasi silahkan langsung menuju ke link forum Polandia :
@damiś27 said in Community/global Non Official Events advertisement:
Start of tournament - 01.07.2018
More information
Registration in days 28.05.2018 - 24.06.2018
More information
Registration topic is on the Polish community: Eagles Cup 2018 - Official tournament theme
to All kru, bagi yang berminat bisa langsung ke link yang sudah tertera di atas...
- AutoKimia2000 @almira14 wakil @Maredex04 wakil @Nevhilda
- BROKER INOSMIA @Fadeli-Anas wakil @Murid-Nakal
- Exodus Of The Eagle @choirul01 wakil @didi-junior-do-santos
- Klewes Street Elite @keikoJAV wakil @sir-alexs-boby-ferguson
- Legion Crusher @adi-putra99 wakil @Oky-Setyawan
- Lion Kong @Glend-Scorpio11
- LOTUS @giboys wakil @Yusuf-Othonk
- Merah - Putih @I-Love-Niken wakil @Jose-Ajimou
- Newbie Generation @BillyDS
- Nusantara United @Bang-Kibo wakil @Santosa-Jr
- Pejabat Teras @albert-lagi wakil @bar_barian
- The Phoenix @frandvember wakil @eko_wahyu
- Vinsmoke Family @wiradi wakil @vicky-mourinho
- Glory of Indonesia @fadhil-1212 wakil @Salam-satu-nyali-WANI wakil @mas-inunk
- Indonesian Cavalry @iso-pora wakil @arziky
- Maron @chindilcuk wakil @deancuk
- B&M 2014 @KING-GOSSY wakil @adhy32
- REBEL FORCES @algani14 wakil @nanang-kevin-setia
- Sky Destiny @van-gingger wakil @Miss-Atomic-Bomb
- Legion Crusher Academy @Hasdar
- PARAHYANGAN CREW @Ncu-Contagious
- Young Attitude @Albingg
- Indonesia nation @aldy-astaba
- TALENTA @Yudisthira-Adhy
- OFG @rocky_fc-4
- Hardline Alliance @Luffykun376 @Muhriz
- One Peace Crew @Raphael-Wanggai-Jr wakil @Math17
- Athena @ridwan-II
- Linkin Park Underground @MRKlord2121 wakil @moesweoo2015
- QuasWexReport @muhammad-giovani
- Curva Sud @Roja-Fathul wakil @Indrajr24
- Indonesia Pro OSM (IOF) @zulllhakim
- Dragon Blaze @Bachtiar-Wahyu-Ramadhan
Saya boleh ikut tapi gimana daftat nyaa
@a7x-abampasunda said in THE EAGLE CUP 2018:
Saya boleh ikut tapi gimana daftat nyaa
Apakah anda sudah mempunyai kru? pendaftaran melalui kru dan masing-masing kru mendelegasi anggotanya di setiap pertandingan.
Hai semua....
Dari informasi panitia TEC 2018
Kick Off mengalami penundaan, masih ada bbrp hal yg direview oleh panitia, shg membutuhkan tambahan waktu utk itu.Update info akan mereka kabari segera...
damiś27 said in The Eagles Cup 2018 (English Only):
Creating League and Line-ups:
- Time will be given in the tournament - administrative time in Poland
- You check the time differences between Poland and your country
- The teams must be published in day 04.07.2018 at 23.59
- Posting line up on the same day 05.07.2018 at 23.59 when the league opens penalty: -100
- In day 06.07.2018 at 00.01 a group will be punished by a walkover if they don't give a line-up.
- Date: 05.07.2018
- Time: 21.30 – 00.30
- Leaque name: The Eagles Cup 2018 R.1
- Private leaque.
- Server: Any
Instructions to create the league:
- Pick the wrong team with the same goal penalty: - 150 points
- Pick the wrong team with the different goal penalty: -300 points
- Pick the wrong team different objective and that does not allow the opposing selection have the right goals (Ex .: Take 2 equal goals to the same selection.)
The decision of the organizer after talking with crews / groups.
The possibility of starting a league again or punishing a walkover. (GENERAL RULES)
Reserves Crew's / Groups
- Groups from Reserves Crew's / Groups have a chance to play in the tournament.
- Reserves Crew's / Groups is taken into account in the 1 and 2 round
- The team will be punished by a walkover, so the organizer will choose from Reserves Crew's / Groups
- The group will receive home team / away team according to who will receive walkover.
- The organizer will choose from the groups that gave line-up in opportune time.
- Groups from Reserves Crews / Groups must give line-up according to example:
Round 1 The Eagles Cup 2018
Reserves Crew's / Groups
Group BIG
G1 - @Damiś2799
G3 - @Damiś271
G5 - @Damiś27
G7 - @Damiś273-56-98 (C)
G9 - @Damiś27-4 (PM)Please give line-up group as in the example:
Round 1 The Eagles Cup 2018
1 Group A vs 64 Crew B
home team / away team - Grupa A / Crew B
G1 - Damiś27 (C)
G3 - Damiś271
G5 - Damiś272
G7 - Damiś273-56-98 (PM)
G9 - Damiś27-4 -
Kru Indonesia yg langsung masuk mjd peserta di Round-1 adalah : INDONESIA REBORN
Dan yg masuk dalam daftar CADANGAN adalah :
B&M 2014
Glory of Indonesia
Auto Kimia 2000 -
kenapa kru aku ga masuk ya? sedih dianggap kru newbie hehehe. aku misda dari legioncrusher academy
@misdariyani10 said in THE EAGLE CUP 2018:
kenapa kru aku ga masuk ya? sedih dianggap kru newbie hehehe. aku misda dari legioncrusher academy
Mereka melakukan seleksi thd kru yg mendaftar dg bbrp variable, panitia jg tdk menjelaskan secara gamblang, walaupun banyak kru yg menanyakan hal tsb, cuma tersirat bhw salah satu variable yg mereka lihat adalah aktivitas kru (entah apa ukuran mereka).
hehehe bukan cuma kru bung @misdariyani10 aja yg gak masuk, kru saya pun gak masuk, bahkan dlm kru cadangan pun gak muncul
Alhamdulillah..lumayan bagi kru yg baru kembali aktif...
semangat ya wkwkwk