[Please view and respond] This bug is too common among the whole community
This might shock a total number of 0 people, but my manage points are not updating.
I have seen many topics with this unanswered question and mabye on a few there is an answer but I haven’t found them.
My first ever OSM season finished with Southampton and I was given just under 3,000 manager points. However, when the season in my second slot finished, with England in some sort of Legends League (I had Beckham, Terry, Gerrard, Banks etc) and I amassed over 2,000 manager points. However, this league ended a few days ago, I did not resign and I was told I got those manager points aswell as a trophy for achieving my objective. I got that trophy, however next time I compared my stats against a friends (who also seems to have this problem) I only had the manager points from my first season. This problem has gone on long enough and not only I, but the whole community of OSM need answers. If it helps, I am a mobile player ( I use the app). Thank you to everyone that responds and please fix the problem
Really I can't any problem here >>>
https://prntscr.com/jplfkdBoth your manager points were added to both your slots and are still exactly the same currently
Okay, thank you, I misunderstood the system and didn’t realise about how your manager points don’t all pool up but stay in their own slots
Yeah, each slot has their own separate manager points and ranking in accordance to the league they were used in. The manager points earned will only be added to that slot and hence the ranking.
Reason why a manager can have four places in the official OSM ranking.