Transfers at World Cup League
Login: CarLos_Wallace
Account: Slot3
Date & Time of the bug: since 06.08.2018
Platform: (Website PC/Mobile, Facebook, Android App, iPhone App, iPad App): every
Bug step-by-step Description: I found World Cup Quarter-finals league. It shouldn't be trasfers here. But there is a transfer list. And everyone can sell and buy players. So in Brazil NT can play Italians, Germans, etc. Please cancel this option.
And if it isn't possibe, delete this league - because there is no sense to play in such NT competition... -
@carlos-wallace Hi, welcome.
I'm sorry but this is not a bug, but a new update.
Transfers are standard on in those leagues, human league moderators can turn that off when they create the league.If you don't want to play in that league because transfers are on then you'll have the option to resign after your first match has played.
How can I resign? Where is this option?
And is that resignation would appear in my career stats? -
@carlos-wallace If you want to resign then you can go to the board, but keep in mind it's only possible after you've played your first match.
It will appear on your profile under Res
what about different league - I created a new one. It will appear in 3 days. But I also didn't change standards.
Is there a posssibility to change them or to delete this league? -
@carlos-wallace no same, procedure as before.
That means that you didn't change the standard settings, you can turn transfers off via the advanced tool.