Football Master Series (FMS) [Oficjalny Turniej Grup w OSM]
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
14 rounds already played and here is the actual standings!
- FMS 2nd Edition - San Jose
- FMS 2nd Edition - Alajuela
- FMS 2nd Edition - Cartago
- FMS 2nd Edition - Heredia
- FMS 2nd Edition - Guanacaste
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Champions league format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
You still have time to send your matches prediction until tomorrow before simulation, here is the link: FMS Matches Prediction - Week 16
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
18 rounds already played and here is the actual standings!
- FMS 2nd Edition - San Jose
- FMS 2nd Edition - Alajuela
- FMS 2nd Edition - Cartago
- FMS 2nd Edition - Heredia
- FMS 2nd Edition - Guanacaste
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Champions league format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
You still have time to send your matches prediction until tomorrow before simulation, here is the link: FMS Matches Prediction - Week 20
Pierwsza runda 2 edycji zakończona
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):1st Round leagues are already ended and here is the final standings!
Remember 32 first manager at the end of the league (By league points) go to the next one, which will be played in Copa Libertadores format and... Better position = Better team value
Don't take in count the Manager points column, it's just an add for a private system i'm tested while you are playing the competition!
(If I made some minor mistakes, just let me know and i will fix it. I'm human too.)
Tomorrow, all information about 2nd Round will be provided in this topic in by private message to all 32 managers involved. During the week, i will post information about TOP 3 prediction results too.
Anyway, managers qualified and team assigned for 2nd Round are the following:
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
5 rounds already played and here is the actual standings!
Pięknie @Byku-Duma-Warmii, szczęście sprzyja lepszym, jak to mówią - trzymamy za ciebie kciuki do samego finału
@byku-Duma-Warmii graty za walkę do końca, niestety siła złego na jednego i półfinał przepadł. Ale zaszedłeś z naszych najdalej .
Trochę zabrakło szczęścia, ale miło wspominam grę w tym turnieju -
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
FMS 2nd Edition reach his end and here is the final result!
After an intense match without goals, @ReneG got the FMS title in penalty spot against @Uruguay_2012. Congratulations both for your good performance, beating strong teams during your road to the glory
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
TOP 4 Prediction - Results
After two weeks, we can finally show your predictions and points got for this round!
As we all can see, again the TOP 4 is the most difficult to predict due to high level of this competition, where everyone can beat another manager.
The final prediction standing is:Some important changes, like @Sr-Pedro-Elias reaching the 1st place and some managers climbing to get prizes with those extra points. This is why it's important send our predictions always, every point counts!
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
FMS 2nd Edition - Prizes
1st Round
- Leagues winners: @Shim008 - @Alex-Demartin - @Didierluk - @Jason_brody - @MarioDG10 (500 BCs each one)
- 2nd Place: @Jeffro-Davies - @Dush06 - @ACDOGG - @Helga15 - @LowMessiOffMessi (300 BCs each one)
2nd Round
- Winner: @ReneG (1000 BCs)
- Runner up: @Uruguay_2012 (750 BCs)
- Semifinalists: @Muratpdr2805 - @MarioDG10 (500 BCs each one)
Prediction games
- Best 5 predictors: @Sr-Pedro-Elias - @John-Huaman - @HUGATO07 - @camilwolf - @I-Love-Niken (200 BCs each one)
(Prizes will be added during Monday/Tuesday)
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
It's time to focus on 3rd edition with the following schedule:
From 06/07 to 12/07 - Sign up.
From 13/07 to 15/07 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
16/07 - 1st round starts.
14/08 - 2nd round starts. (Maybe we need to change it to Monday 17/08)
1 - Requirements to join
- Free for all, your crew just need to have at least 2 years or more before day FMS edition starts.
- Only moderator or submoderator can sign up a crew + member.
- A manager can't play more than once edition in the same year, doesn't matter if he/she goes to another crew.
Complete the following template to sign up: (If you don't follow the template, your sign up won't be valid)
Crew name:
Creation date: DD/MM/YYYY (If you played last edition, don't need to complete again the date)
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition:
Could be your manager league moderator? YES / NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
2 - Event rules
All OSM Rules must be followed.
Managers who have been punished in game between 01/2019 and day that FMS edition begins can't take part!
Break rules can be punished with lost of league points, be disqualified from competition or be suspended/locked, depends on the seriousness of the matter.
After you sign up your crew and manager, you only can change once your manager if you need it but your crew will receive -10 league points. Make a 2nd change in a same edition is reason to disqualify your crew.
Set a player in a different position gives you a -3 points per player the 1st time. Next time, punishment will be major.
Buy a player from another manager team cheaper than 200% player's value gives you -6 points per player to your crew 1st time. 2nd time you will be out from league.
3 - Event format
- 1st round: X leagues of 12 managers each one. (Min. 36 crews - Max. 72)
- 2nd round: Champions league where 32 managers with more league points compete for be the FMS Winner.
Leagues chosen for 1st round will be one didn't played before in FMS and recently updated if posible. (No BCs compensation neither Cup. Remaining features like friendlies, STs and TCs are up to each manager to decide how many use)
For 2nd round, teams will be assigned to managers based in order to "More league points = Better Champions team value". (No BCs compensation, TCs neither STs. Remaining features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round)
More information
This is just a summary, read the complete infoabout this event in the following post.
You can sign up as soon as you see the following countdown ended:
Rozpoczął się okres rejestracji do turnieju. Każdy menedżer może grać tylko w jedną edycję FMS rocznie. Oto tabela, która pomoże wam ustalić, czy twój członek grupy może grać, czy nie.
The schedule for next two FMS editions is:
FMS 3rd edition - Schedule
- From 06/07 to 12/07 - Sign up.
- From 13/07 to 15/07 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
- 16/07 - 1st round starts.
- 14/08 - 2nd round starts. (Maybe we need to change it to Monday 17/08)
FMS 4th edition - Schedule
- From 07/09 to 13/09 - Sign up.
- From 14/09 to 16/09 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
- 17/09 - 1st round starts.
- 16/10 - 2nd round starts. (Maybe we need to change it to Monday 19/10)
Zapisane Polskie grupy na 3 Edycję:
@Mati-Colchoner said in Football Master Series (FMS):
Crew name: Polish Legends
Creation date: 5 June 2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Daxidoo
Could be your manager league moderator? No
I accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name. -
@mihau1878 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
Crew name: Husarya PL
Creation date: 03/09/2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @sniki26
Could be your manager league moderator? No
I accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name. -
@Magic-89 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
Crew name: Polska Akademia Menadżerów
Creation date: 17.08.2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Janex123
Could be your manager league moderator? NO
I accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name. -
@Damiś27 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
Crew name: Polish Eagles
Creation date: 28.12.2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @ToomAnyWays
Could be your manager league moderator? YES
I accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name. -
@Uberto-Pescatore said in Football Master Series (FMS):
Crew name: Polish Eagles Academy
Creation date: 26.04.2018
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @9999arek9999arek
Could be your manager league moderator? NO
I accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Będzie więcej, ale was wszystkich zachęcam. (minimum 2 lata istnienia grupy)
Czas skupić się na 3 edycji FMS. Oto kalendarz rozgrywek:
Od 06/07 do 12/07 - Zapisy.
Od 13/07 do 15/07 - Przygotowanie lig i skontaktowanie się z menedżerami.
16/07 - Start pierwszej rundy.
14/08 - Start drugiej rundy. (Możliwe, że będzie termin będzie przesunięty na poniedziałek 17/08)
1 - Wymagania
- Możliwe dla każdej grupy, która istnieje od co najmniej dwóch lat lub więcej zanim wystartuje dana edycja FMS.
- Tylko moderator lub vice-moderator może zapisać grupę i menedżera
- Menedżer nie może zagrać więcej niż w jednej edycji w tym samym roku, nieważne czy gra dla tej samej czy innej grupy.
Uzupełnij podany wzór, żeby zapisać grupę: (Jeśli nie zapiszesz grupy zgodnie z podanym wzorem, twój zapis będzie nieważny)
Crew name:
Creation date: DD/MM/YYYY (If you played last edition, don't need to complete again the date)
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition:
Could be your manager league moderator? YES / NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
2 - Zasady turnieju
Wszystkie zasady OSM muszą być przestrzegane.
Menedżerowie, którzy byli zawieszeni pomiędzy 01/2019 a dniem, w którym rozpoczyna się dana edycja FMS nie mogą brać udziału!
Złamanie zasad może skutkować utratą punktów, dyskwalifikacją z turnieju lub zawieszeniem/zablokowaniem konta w zależności od powagi wykroczenia.
Po zapisaniu grupy i menedżera tylko raz można dokonać zmiany menedżera w razie potrzeby, ale grupa otrzyma -10 punktów kary. Druga zmiana menedżera w tej samej edycji wiąże się z dyskwalifikacją grupy.
Ustawienie zawodnika na nieswojej pozycji: -3 punkty za zawodnika, za pierwszy błąd. Za kolejne błędy kary będą poważniejsze.
Kupno gracza od grużyny innego menedżera taniej niż za 200% wartości zawodnika oznacza -6 punktów za pierwsze wykroczenie. Drugie wykroczenie oznacza usunięcie gracza z ligi.
3 - Format turnieju
- Pierwsza runda: X lig po 12 menedżerów w każdej. (Min. 36 grup - Max. 72)
- Druga runda: Liga mistrzów, gdzie 32 menedżerów z największą ilością punktów będzie rywalizować o tytuł zwycięzcy FMS.
Liga wybrana na pierwszą rundę będzie jedną z tych, które nie były gtane wcześniej w FMS i w miarę możliwości ostatnio zaktualizowaną. (Bez kompensacji monet i pucharu. Pozostałe opcje tj. mecze towarzyskie, tajne treningi i zgrupowania są do dyspozycji menedżera, bez ograniczeń)
Druga runda - drużyny będą przydzielone dla menedżerów na zasadzie "Im więcej ligowych punktów, tym większa wartość drużyny". (Brak zasilania konta klubowego, tajnych treningów i zgrupowań. Pozostałe opcje tj. mecze towarzyskie, są do dyspozycji menedżera, bez ograniczeń)
Więcej informacji
To jest podsumowanie, wszystkie informacje na temat turnieju są w tym poście.
Zapisy są możliwe do końca odlicszania:
[@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):
FMS 3rd Edition - Kosovo
Here is the main information about FMS 3rd Edition.
League chosen is Kosovo and managers distribution will be:
FMS 3rd Edition - Pristina
@ToomAnyWays (League moderator)
@Gyulus078FMS 3rd Edition - Prizren
@kromo-ochoa ( @Paco_67 )
@Rafa-Cunha (League moderator)
@gilangaries ( @sir-quintana )FMS 3rd Edition - Gnjilane
@boss10moha (League moderator)
@adnan-shehadhFMS 3rd Edition - Mitrovica
@reaktorr (League moderator)
@sazzad-vaiFMS 3rd Edition - Urosevac
@M-Vaswani ( @i-salute-liverpool-fc )
@Robfer15 (League moderator)
Leagues will be created by me (Staff tools) next Thursday, 16th July around 19:00 or 20:00 UTC Time.
Then, our leagues moderators will send invitations to all of you, be patient because we all have a life outside OSM and soon or later you will receive it. You can choose team you prefer from the leagueIf you have any doubt, just ask me before do something wrong.
Before create leagues, i will share the first "Prediction form", where you can complete it with your vote for Top 3 of each league. Stay tunned!](url odnośnika) -
Jak chcecie, to możecie zagłosować na menedżerów, których uważacie, że będą w TOP 3 każdej ligi w FMS.
@Markez17 said in Football Master Series (FMS):Hello bosses!
I introduce you all the 1st Prediction form, where we want to know who will be the best 3 managers from each league.
TOP 3 Prediction form
Remember that only a place per manager in each league is valid... You can choose more but then you won't be able to send your responses!
If you make something wrong, just let me know by private message and I will fix it or reset it to let you introduce your choice again.Everyone can send their votes, you and your crew don't need to play FMS to participate!
Thank you for your time!
FMS 3rd Edition - Pristina 1/22
Trochę tych kolejek się naskładało
Początek był bardzo dobry. Cztery mecze, cztery zwycięstwa. Potem trochę przystopowałem ale generalnie jest dobrze, utrzymuje pierwsze miejsce w można rzec polskiej grupie w FMS W 9 kolejce wygrałem mimo obozu przeciwnika.