Wrong Player search results
Hi. I' m playing Sir Siddik username.
Even though I searched for the player by specifying 2 times, the wrong players came as a result.Pic. 1 search criterion and Pic. 2 results.
thanks for the answers and solutions in advance!
2 players appear because I had to buy 1 player from the results) -
@Sir-siddik sometimes the scout gives you the next best thing. For example he would give you aguero if you cant find messi.
@Suleman____f but the search criterion and results not the same. I want under 25 age but results show players over 30s.This is a mistake, a very big mistake.
@Sir-siddik - I'm not sure but it's happened to me as well. That's how the scout works, if he cant scout an under 25 with your instructions, he'll bring the next best thing back.
Maybe you should relax your scouting instructions or make the more specific.
Algoritm works different to avoid letting people find the same players all the time, so there are tons of players matching with the same criterias.
More info on common-questions topic.
Thanks all!