Referees and their Effects
@SUPERNOVA-8 thank you for this helpful explanation.
I also grade my tackling according to the strictness of the ref, although I never use 'cautious'.At the end of your explanation you mention pressure.
Do you have any evidence that pressure contributes to injuries or even yellow/red cards?
Some managers have told me that it does, but I'm not convinced. -
@phaultseberg You're welcome Phaults. I hope my explanation can help a lot of managers .
Now about the pressure, I'm sorry to disappoint you mate but I can only speak of my personal bad experience from past matches .
If I was to provide evidence about the dangers of the rough tackling and high pressure combo it would probably cost me a match and also damage to my future rounds too. Thus, I'm sorry but I cannot provide shots about it. -
And yes, I have won plenty of matches while using my Careful tackling due to the presence of a strict Ref.
Shhh giving away the big secrets there
I have the feeling that referees have become more strict during the past few months. I've always played reckless with green, blue and even yellow referees; and aggressive with orange and red ones, but never normal or careful. I hardly got any red cards by playing that way. But as I said I've noticed referees have become more strict so I don't risk that much anymore and have started playing normal with orange and red ones.
Regarding the pressure, nobody seems to know for sure whether it affects the chance of getting red cards. Well, I am pretty sure it does. You'll be more likely to get a red card if you play with high pressure even if the ref is lenient. On the other hand you can play reckless with low pressure and won't normally get any red cards.
Regarding the fact that a red card has too much influence in the game and you always lose even if your squad is very strong... well, that is true and it doesn't happen on real football, but I don't think that should change as it makes the game more thrilling and results more unpredictable. There are many other unreal things in this game. For example, it is not real that a player who started the league being rated 60 can end up the league being 100+, even better than Messi, after being trained during just 20 games. It is also unreal that a goal 16 team from a humble country can win the league and sign players like Cristiano, Griezmann... players who would never sign for such a small team. OSM is loosely based in real football but doesn't need to be too real.
My idea with the topic was just to see the opinions and what happens to each one.
With me, in almost 95% of the time, if I have 1 expelled, I lose the game and for many goals. I think that's the biggest issue on the subject.
But there are cases where even with kicked out, the coach wins. It still seems to me somewhat abstract that we are discovering with time!
@Adilmo-Rocha said in Referees and their effects - Opinion:
My idea with the topic was just to see the opinions and what happens to each one.
I could see that Adilmo and that's why I thanked you in my previous post. Due to your topic we have all the opportunity to exchange our personal thoughts and experience about this matter, that probably has been a pain for some of our fellow managers here.
With me, in almost 95% of the time, if I have 1 expelled, I lose the game and for many goals. I think that's the biggest issue on the subject.
Then my dear Adilmo maybe time has come for you to try new things with your special tactics and stop getting your players expelled, and this topic hopefully will give you fresh ideas.
But there are cases where even with kicked out, the coach wins. It still seems to me somewhat abstract that we are discovering with time!
Like I've mentioned earlier...This football game is not a 100% predictable one . Lady luck plays her part too and that's exactly the reason for me finding it so fascinating ! And I love the fact that I can discover new things all the time and each league is unique and a whole new adventure to me !
A funny picture from the past ...:rofl:
Seven bloody days of suspension for my player !
For any of you that think the old version and old Referees were like angelic ones ! Muahaha!
I learned my lesson alright almost 2 years ago. -
Can anybody tell me, why with red referee when I play normal style, and my opponents aggressive, but red cards are always given to my players?
@Sabit-Mamedov Hello mate.
I had to move your post in here. I believe you might get your answers if you read these posts .
@SUPERNOVA-8 Hi Sofie. If you had such bad experience with referees you can tell me the reason)
@Sabit-Mamedov Hi Sabit
But I have already made a detailed post / explanation of how I feel things are working according to each Referee. It is the 6th post of this same topic on Page 1 mate. And you will also find more posts and opinions from other managers as well.
Should I be happy or mad?
Hard to get 3 red cards, at least you managed to tie.
I also got 3 red cards two months ago, I lost 1-0. -
At least your ref was "red".. my was "yellow" and still easy on reds for me
But yeah, all in all, Im gald I have managed to get a draw with 8 players in field
@Majstor-Matt Yikes !
Oh for crying out loud ...
Matty how on earth did you manage to get 3 reddies mate?
Care to share a few juicy details with us? Cause honestly I'm so curious now. You were playing away on a medium "yellow" Ref . So what kind of tackling did you use and was your pressure too high maybe? -
@Majstor-Matt said in Referees and their effects - Opinion:
At least your ref was "red".. my was "yellow" and still easy on reds for me
But yeah, all in all, Im gald I have managed to get a draw with 8 players in field
Aye ! You should be over the moon about it buddy!
You lucky devil !
@Majstor-Matt said in Referees and their effects - Opinion:
Should I be happy or mad?
Ahahahahahahaha. Matty did you see what is written under your first red card? Who are your players buddy?
The Ninja Turtles ?! :rofl: Oh God, I'm dying of laughter ! Rest in peace Sophia ... :cross:First we had the Pokemons league ...Do we have now the Ninja Turtles league and I'm not aware of it ? :thinking:
@SUPERNOVA-8 Leaked footage from my training pitch
@Majstor-Matt I adore you man ! :rofl: You're an idol for sure Doc :heart_exclamation: