Unstable simulation times
What is going on with the servers ? Simulation times are acting crazy again.
I'll give one example. Im playing bosnian premierleague on one slot. Thursday simulation was at 20:11, friday it was at 19:58, yesterday 19:51, today 19:42. They are jumping all around and it is impossible to play competitively. It will espiacally affect battles as it is impossiblemto predict when will the simulation take place.
I assume this wasn't intended as the simulation times were stable before. -
@ivanandal we are playing english Premier league. Simulation was in 19:45, yesterday 19:32.
I agreed. Same happened with us!
Yes, I was playing in the Premier League, and the times moved from 14:20, to eventually 14:05. The Match In Play thing might contribute to the time change, due to it might having a preference on Simulation Time.
It has been stated several times that simulation starts when the timer hits zero on the server where your league is being played (here all leagues in that server will begin their simulation). During this time, you need to wait until your own league is simulated. This could take up to a few minutes to a few hours (depending on several factors on that server).
Unfortunately, it's not possible to know or see when the simulation will end. The only way to know for sure is if you were online during the simulation and saw at around which time your match was played (when results, standings, manager points, etc... have been updated), or when you receive a notification via the app.
This is why it is always a good idea to set up your teams before the timer hits zero.