Earning uniform in premier league
İ have 11 world star players in my team and so whem will i get the uniform ?
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Wait to information.
Nickname: Serçee_42 -
This was the text of the Mission:
This month you can play the exclusive England Pre-season Mission.
All the players of the England League have been given a rating of 50. As a result, the quality of the teams has decreased.
It's up to you as a manager to bring the quality back to your club. Put your trainers to work to get the most out of your players and make smart transfers!
Turn your team into a machine that can handle anyone and make the League more attractive.
Participants who have 11 World Stars in their team at the end of the Mission have the chance to win a shirt of a team from the English League.
Show them that you can build the best team of all!
So, first you need to wait until the league finishes and then a draw will be made... you may be the lucky winner or not!
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