Avatar update
those responsible are destroying the game with these new updates...I'll think about whether to keep playing or not
I can live with standard avatars for managers but what about the crew avatars? They gave identity to the crew and thats all gone now.
Mayb reconsider personalized avatars for crews? After approval ?
I have feeling i am crewless
In a way I understand that some managers can use inappropriate images but again, shouldn't be your job to prevent that as Facebook, Instagram, etc are doing?
What you are basically doing is:
- you know you can have problems with inappropriate images
- you know you can't be on top of all images (because you don't want to invest on software to do that)
- you take the shortcut and simply cut the problem by its root without taking any consideration from the users that play this game.
Doing this will definitely ruin the fun of playing this game somehow, there's no more pride in dressing the crew's "shirt", no more pride in showing to the community the badge we earn after being called up to the national team, etc etc
Obviously, you're focusing on updates to make your revenue increase (like paid packs to decrease training time, packs to increase transfer possibility, etc) and at the same time, this "simple" update will rise the anger amongst the community as you are already seeing.
Would it be hard to listen to the community?
I honestly think you should focus your time on fixing bugs and actually improving the game we all love instead of this "design update" -
Frankly, it's the worst choice that OSM could have made. It's shit. Everyone will have almost the same avatars I find it rotten that we can't customize our profile as we want anyway
@mikevanderhilst_nl I don't really agree I find it abnormal that we don't have the right to have our personalized avatar
@hugosoares88 said in Avatar update:
In a way I understand that some managers can use inappropriate images but again, shouldn't be your job to prevent that as Facebook, Instagram, etc are doing?
What you are basically doing is:you know you can have problems with inappropriate images
you know you can't be on top of all images (because you don't want to invest on software to do that)
you take the shortcut and simply cut the problem by its root without taking any consideration from the users that play this game.Doing this will definitely ruin the fun of playing this game somehow, there's no more pride in dressing the crew's "shirt", no more pride in showing to the community the badge we earn after being called up to the national team, etc etc
Obviously, you're focusing on updates to make your revenue increase (like paid packs to decrease training time, packs to increase transfer possibility, etc) and at the same time, this "simple" update will rise the anger amongst the community as you are already seeing.
Would it be hard to listen to the community?
I honestly think you should focus your time on fixing bugs and actually improving the game we all love instead of this "design update"I totally agree! let's collect petitions against this shitty update!!!
No petition can help you. They made another briliant decision and we have to get used to it. As one user said, there is a matter of days or maybe months of were lucky and we all wil have User ID's and manager names will become unavailable.
No matter what you do, when they make a decision they do not care about community or theor users, only money talks. Manager medals are one proof for that. Even though they promote nothing but cheating and playing empty leagues, they do not care a single thing and top 100 is constantly filled with people that play empty leagues or againts imaginary users that are magically active only when they play against ranked user... and to this day nothing has been done to change that..
So yeah, this magnificent pallet of less than 50 pointless pictures that are called "avatars" is here to stay. Cause hey, they have bigger user base than google, so its hard to keep track of all users lol
@specialone Hello, is there no way to let players have their custom avatar? I find it better that people can show their identity in their profile where everyone will have pretty much the same avatar.
Now that we all have default avatars, i think that osm can start with allowing crews to upload their own personalized avatars if they are checked on being appropiate.
Please let us know were we can send our logo to so that it can be approved.
I have to protest against this change. It´s a a way of facing a problem you have with inapoppriate avatars with prejudice of thousands of users. This is running from problems the easiest way regardless everyone else opinion or interess. It´s like there´s a pandemic and evreybody has to use a mask and some just don´t so you kill everybody with the disease and the masks are no longer needed.
What a pity that they do this to Osm, they take away one of its main attractions, many managers will be lost for that reason.
this is the way to show that OSM doesn't care about its players, it only cares about the
@specialone said in Avatar update:
Be one of the first to pick the brand new avatars. There are some awesome managers, players & clubs. And new ones will follow in the future.
Where are awesome managers, players and clubs?
So, are you telling me that FC Porto, the best portuguese club, is inappropriate content?
And like that's not enough, are you asking me to change my club?!
Unbelievable update.
@warriorfcp HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH no way
hey @SpecialOne we can't even talk w/ other managers because of that nonsense censorship
I wasn't expecting anything from you guys after you decided to remove player avatars and yet you disappointed me by removing crews avatars. What is the need to remove the avatars from the crews?
When we visit a friends profile, we can also see their name, favourite club, favourite player, descripton and league names.
I suggest you to remove all of those things and give us a list of appropriate names, appropriate clubs (I expect not to see PSG, ManCity, Chelsea or Newcastle United in there), appropriate players (I expect not to see Suárez, Sergio Ramos or Cantona), appropriate descriptions and appropriate league names.