Active Leagues
Where is the Active Leagues section, which used to be visible in the Community tab? I can't see it there nor anywhere else.
How are we supposed to find new leagues to play in without being able to see the full list of leagues on each server? -
This was exactly the reason why it was removed. Every manager is placed on a server with managers of same experience. It was really unfair to managers that were starting up to have their leagues flooded with experienced managers that killed all their fun on learning the game.
SpecialOne - this is supposed to be realistic what you wrote? It's artificial and fake, a system of supervised pairing. Where is the realism in that?
I want to be in a league with weak, medium and good managers like in real life. In any league in real life you have managers who just started, managers who manage for 5-10 years and managers who manage for 20-30 years or more. Just look at Bundesliga or Premier League.If I was a beginner manager, I would like to also play against stronger managers, not only level 1-3.
In this utterly stupid new system there is no chance for that.Congratulations GB on finding yet another new way to spoil this game for us managers. Good job !!
It's still possible to play against all type of managers. What was changed was the possibility to browse all servers searching for leagues.
You can always invite those managers to join your league or join their leagues (you just need to know the name of the manager)
That's complicated, sending dozens of invites every time, or searching for leagues by manager names. Do you realise how long it takes to find a league that one wants to play in now in this new system?
It is amazing on how dull and pointless things they will work on... but when it comes to cheaters on global top 100, competitive crew battles, battle points ranking and similar stuff that could add something new to the game - then there is no priority and time for that.. brilliant..
But oh well, at least we have majestic player packs in shop, where you can spend 400coins to get 2 55 rated players
The bad thing about this update is that I used this tab to recruit players who didn't have a crew for my crew, and the recruitment process is much more complicated and time-consuming now than it was before, it would be better for OSM to limit access to the leagues using the account levels, like, the player is at level 8 and can only face players at levels 8 or 9 or 10, only for the leagues created in which it would be possible to bring together all coaches of all levels so as not to harm the tournaments that we do it here on the forum and so you can also play with friends.