Please change the font back - I will go blind!
The new font after the most recent update is really bad!
It makes my eyes go funny and if it doesn't change I will seriously have to consider stop playing after 11 years of being there every day.Why change to this crazy font. Leave things alone!
Mate, i thought it was on the web only. Nope. On the app too. On top of that, i want to add another thing. Recently, i noticed that u have to pay money to buy the gold player pack. Bro…. i dont think anyone will buy that. Only 3 days into a fantasy league and i dont need it.
Agreed. On the web is kinda tolerable, but in App version font is really terrible. Please reverse it...
They changed it back- People power! Thanks for listening!
Bei mir hat sich nix geändert...
Vor allem das große D und das große O zu unterscheiden ist fast unmöglich...Im Web jedenfalls...
Bestes Beispiel ZDM oder ZOM...Ich hab immer zutun herauszukriegen ob das nun ein defensiver oder ein offensiver ist...