League Recruits
Pre-season: 2 days
Moderator League: @ThoriqJr -
League Name: Youssef Lee
Moderator: Youzssef Lee
Day: 1/43
Free Teams: 17 -
FC Liverpool if No Manager I interesting to join your League master @youzssef-lee
League: Switzerland :flag_ch:
League Name: Switzerland
league day: 12/22
Number of teams: 5/10
Moderator: osm -
Day 12...???
Come on, guys!
League created right now, 9/10 free teams!
Join me in Switzerland! :flag_ch:
In the league of my main slot!
League: Jordan
League Name: Arab letters
League day: prep- day left 3
Number of teams : 6/12
Moderator: OSM
join and welcome managers -
Country: Montenegro
League name: 40º a la sombra
League moderator: Markez17
League number: 292596259/10 Free teams
U can join the league LIVER has no manager yet
u r welcome -
No prblm dude -
Quatar league
20h to first match
4 teams free
everything turn on
Country: Ecuador
League Name: Revenge in Ecuador
League Number: 29279437
Free teams: 8
League day: Preseason 2 -
Hey guys i'v created a new season Spanish league a private one
League name is DOBALOBA
contact me if you want to join -
Country: Estonia
League Name: Estonia
Free teams: 7
League day: Matchday 1Please join if You would like, the league is on my main account. Good luck and see You there!
Napoli & Cagliari >>> No Manager
Country: Honk Kong
League Number: 72051645
Free Teams: 9 -
Country: Eslovênia :flag_si:
League Name: Eslovênia
Free teams: 7/10
League day: -1/22 -
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