20 matches unbeaten trophy issue
I just won the 20 matches unbeaten trophy witrh my second team. It showed that I won the trophy upon logging in, however after i accepted the trophy it didnt add my points nor did it show my trophy in my trophy case, instead upon checking it showed 8 matches unbeaten (which is the current state of my first team) please have a look into this, I would like to get the award and points for the achievement. thx!
Hi, welcome.
Please fill in the bug template that you can find here: https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/308/important-info-please-readDon't forget to put a screen of your match calender in there, so we can see that you have been 20 matches unbeaten.
@Hespera Thanks for the reply. please find the bug report as follows:
Login: 50vince
Account: Slot 2 (Jong FC Utrecht)
League number: Olanda 2a Divisione
Date & Time of the bug: February 10th 2017 21:30 PM
Platform: Website PC using Mozilla Firefox browser
Screenshots: will be done in parts as the are too big for one post
Bug step-by-step Description: Logged in, the award picture showed up allowing me to claim my 100 boss coins for being unbeaten for 20 matches (achieved with my slot 2 team). I clicked accept, the award picture went away, I did not get the boss coins and also didn’t get the award, the award progress meter was back to 8 unbeaten matches at this point (which is the current status of my slot 1 team). In the screenshots its visible I have player the matches and am unbeaten for 20 straight, the first match of the season was already played when I took over the team but the rest was played all by me.