Listen to the music
Since March 8 marks the day to celebrate women as International Womenβs Day, I thought of creating a special compilation dedicated to every woman on OSM
I'm every woman - Released in 1993 - R & B
Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? β Bryan Adams - Released 1995 - Latin Rock
Man! I Feel Like A Woman - Shania Twain - Released in 1997 - Country ( Hot stuff ) :heart_exclamation:
Aretha Franklin - Released in 1967 - A natural woman - Soul
Kate Bush - This Woman's Work - Released in 1989 ( what an emotional singer that woman .. )
Bonnie Tyler - If you were a woman ( and I was a man ) - Released in 1986 - Rock Pop
Last but certainly not least ...Oh no ! No words needed here.
^^ What makes a woman? A wo and a man :heart_exclamation:
Song-Challenge Day 16: A song that holds a lot of meaning to you
@Marinus99 said in Listen to the music:
**Song-Challenge Day 16: A song that holds a lot of meaning to you**
Since I have a great love and respect for Life and Humanity
but I'll always dream of a better world for Mankind... What else but this?
You may say I'm a dreamer ... < well yes I am ! > ... But I'm not the only one ...
And a bit more of these as well...
... yeah special meaning for my existence...
Live... Learn... Love :heart_exclamation: That's the miracle of life
This is for you
Perfect music
I love this song. Drink Boodelooap! xD
@Alexander6666 A Capella :heart_exclamation: That was awesome Alex! Thank you!
@Babou94 Thank you Yves!
Freestyler - Love it for agesI have all of them on my playlists but that one from haven't listened to it for a long time. Awesome !
90s are here to stay. Hit it Dj !Yeah... just like that !
- Yo ! Eminem rocks but rap was born ages ago.
- Legendary song :heart_exclamation:
@M.A.N.O._NL Nice! 8-)
@M.A.N.O._NL Ahaha.
Yes Mano. Hit it ! Light it! Jam it ! Etc , etc...
@SUPERNOVA-8 Yes I know, but in my oppinion if you say hit it DJ you say it to a real DJ song and not to a scratching guy in the background of a hip hop song
Song Challenge Day 17: A song that annoys you
I hate that song
INNA Feat. Daddy Yankee - More Than Friends:flag_tr: