Listen to the music
You are right! Some of those rock stars did use a lot of make up , but that was a trend a certain style for them back then. Didn't mean that they were gay or anything. Quite the opposite I'd say.
Glad that you liked some of the songs.
They are all time classic ! -
@joe-mcnorthman Had this one on my playlist already ofc! ( the original video )
Besides the title speaks of a word and symbol that I love deeply.
Thanks for your post Nerty. And btw it's Sofie, just to remind you of my name. -
Abdรผlhamid Han, The Great ruler of the Ottoman Empire!
this one is for Sofie
lol, this was also a nice song back in the days.
Love Bob Marley songs.
@madtekkerz Cool! Hello & welcome to our music club!
Could you post your fave Bob Marley's song
for us? -
i luv this Bob Marley song, because the y play this in the half time break by all off the Ajax football matches in our stadium.
Hope you like it.
As I see it a quality song can be hot and sexy as hell without having to listen to words like : lick it, push it, f**k it or whatever...And if you wish for more of a dance beat while in bed then try this one straight up!
Enjoy Roy!
GRrrrrrrrEECE ! How's that for a word ?
P.S. don't tell me that was you trying to roar again? Ehhh, easy now lionheart! Hihi!
@buitenom263 Ahaha!
I had the first song already but the second one was a real joy !
Nice tune and such a funny video to watch.