Forums Offline
ahahah ty. Laugh is good
We can more than a few days to download an image of our computer or to copy paste an image coming from a capture.
Is it linked? -
Hi all,
We'll go offline in +/- 40 minutes (at 16:00 GMT) for maintenance!
If all goes as planned it should take around half an hour and will happen at the announced time. If not the downtime can be at a later hour and take a bit longer.
Please accept our apologies but we need to do this for a better performance of our forums!
its oky
-OSM forums down
Tomorrow 26th November 2020 around 01:00h UTC, we'll be performing a software update on forums.
If all goes well, it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes!
-Forum maintenance/software update
Next Wednesday (November 2, 2022) Midnight (GMT) - Thursday 00:00h we'll be performing an update of forum software and do some maintenance.
Forums will be offline around 15 minutes if all goes as expected!
If after that you notice any weird behaviour/bugs, please let us know!