[Crews] Crew Recruitment
.....I'm here xD
Hi guys, I'm helping my colleague to recreate my old group FMB
(Força Master Brasileira)
, I will be present in the group to help in communication among members, it would be a good opportunity for those who want to learn Portuguese hahahahhah , Interested can talk to me. The group uses WhatsApp to talk. -
I'm Interested in joining a crew.
@Paul-Returns I'm hearing you, I don't get how it works
@Paul-Returns You have a crew hahahahhah , but if you have any interest in a new adventure, talk to me.
@Mano-Meneses. Yeah I'm interested
@Paul-Returns We use the WhatsApp to talk you now? Maybe you will learn Portuguese hahahhaahha
I'm looking for a group
@Uchiha-Madara13 Then you leave the Mafia first. Then you look for another group.
@Don-Renato1 said in [Crews] Crew Recruitment:
@Uchiha-Madara13 Then you leave the Mafia first. Then you look for another group.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This post is deleted!
Add me to your friends
Kevin David Devine << manager name. Pm me,
I'll add you if you want,I'll join leagues I run my own. Please -
I'm interested in joining a dutch crew, i got almost 10 year experience, pm me.
@BattleofDeaths_NL My friend your username indicates that you have your account on the Dutch version of OSM but you made your post and request on the World's version forum.
Would you like to try again with a new post on the Dutch forum?
Good luck mate. :v_tone2: -
@BattleofDeaths_NL please click here for the correct topic
@Kevin-David-Devine said in Crews From Ireland:
Any crews from Ireland / Northern Ireland on here. Please invite Me or drop your crews here and I'll join.
@Hespera I can't get into that crews from ireland
I am interested in joining a crew...
@DutchCaptain i'm interesting to join tour crew
Kevin David Devine , username , give me an add please. I make general leagues etc.