Boss coins not received on my smartphone after watching videos
@Ardmsosmz , @Baklap89_NL , @TusA18 , @tunc-cevik , @mirkuz19 , @tolga-ank06 , @Zuchering
Good evening everybody!
Although I have not been informed yet about this bug, I was following the changes all day in my android phone app ( I was facing the same problem ) and I believe devvers were working on it all day. I tried the video few minutes ago and I got one coin. Looks like it's fixed !
So please, can you guys check your own Business Clubs and try to watch just one video?
I'll be waiting for your news... -
@supernova-8 hello lady. I have just watched five videos and nothing happaned.
@tunc-cevik Thank you for your reply. Then it looks like we are not done yet. Ok, I'll keep you posted...
P.S. I told you to try and watch just one video at your Business Cub, by clicking on the TV screen. But please first look close at the amount of your Boss Coins and then watch it, so that you can be certain that a new Coin was added or not after the video.
Also I need from you guys before you try this test, to clean all temporary data from your phone and from inside of your Osm App . -
why guys,
i cant get coins from vids in android too.
i reinstall and clean data from game and nothing.
in pc it's ok -
@supernova-8 Hello! I tried everything but nothing happened. This is the 5th day without getting any coin.
@tusa18 Have you tried via your phone's browser too?
yes, its ok, inly in game fail..
i tried another phone same acount its ok... whats happens... it happens from a day to other -
@supernova-8 Now yes, and I get 3 coins. But I really wanna know why I can't get coin via app, while the other managers can.
@ccardoso11 said in Boss coins not received in my smartphone:
yes, its ok, inly in game fail..
i tried another phone same acount its ok... whats happens... it happens from a day to otherPlease could you explain what you were trying to say?
I can only make guess here guys. And I guess this bug wasn't an easy one to fix, it looks like it differs from one device to another.
I'm sorry but I'm also waiting for further feedback on this matter. -
from app in phone i cant get coins (yesterday its ok, today no), from browser in phone works fine.... in another phone with same account works fine
@ccardoso11 Thank you for your reply.
As you can see it's obvious that devers are working on this, we can see changes from app to app , day by day , but the malfunction is not completely fixed for some reason.
I'm really sorry for any inconvenience guys. -
thanks for the support,
it was good that they solved the problem since there are more users to have the same problem, it was working and it was overnight -
You're very welcome!
So you mean that your phone app is back to normal now. Correct? -
no, only works in browser. the app not works
now it does not work on my cell phone and in my friend's cell phone
what happens .....
I see that I have to wait for them to solve the problem. thanks guys and be fast please
@ccardoso11 said in Boss coins not received in my smartphone:
now it does not work on my cell phone and in my friend's cell phone
what happens .....
I see that I have to wait for them to solve the problem. thanks guys and be fast please
@Ardmsosmz , @Baklap89_NL , @TusA18 , @tunc-cevik , @mirkuz19 , @tolga-ank06 , @Zuchering , @Ccardoso11 , @franckthomas1977 , @Nightfall_NL
My latest feedback on this topic:
Dear managers,
As you must all know in normal situations any problems / unrewarded offers coming from the Business Club are responsibilty of the Sponsors and not GBs. That includes any offer like other games downloaded , surveys, commercial videos etc.
Thus in order for GBs devers to be sure that there is actually a bug to fix we will need from you to do two things:
I need confirmation from those managers that reported this problem here 4 or 5 days ago but their Business Club is now back to normal use!
From those who still face problem with watching videos and not get rewarded I need :
a) Try to watch only one commercial video on your phone app. But please , before you do that mark (write down ) the exact amount of your existing boss coins. Then watch the video , close it when the commercial is completed 100% and then see if 1 or 2 coins were added on your total boss coins.
If it is added then all is good.
If it does not get added I need from you to exit from / close completely your phone app ( do not minimize your screen ! do not try to watch second video ! ) and then try to re - enter your game app with a fresh loggin. This way we force the total boss coins amount to be updated. Please notice then if the new boss coin/s were added for you. Sometimes new boss coins fail to be added instantly right after watching the videos but they do get added eventually and you might be not noticing this!b) In case you are 100% sure that it still doesn't work this way then it is a must from your side to post a detailed bug report here , with all data of the device you are using and also try to make a video showing exactly what happens to your boss coins before and after the commercial has been watched.
A friend or family member can help you tape that short video with his / her phone .I'll be waiting for your feedback now.
Thank you all in advance ! -
i upload a video to try explain whats happens..
I have no idea why I got this post from you.
I thought I was crystal clear when I wrote that if any of you insists there is a bug then the first "must do" is to post your bug report in here !
Filled in every detail. Yes?
Secondly , the video would be lovely ...if it was actually working ! Here is what I got from it : -
@supernova-8 Hi there, this is not meant as a comment on you or your work so please don't take offense
"As you must all know in normal situations any problems / unrewarded offers coming from the Business Club are responsibilty of the Sponsors and not GBs. That includes any offer like other games downloaded , surveys, commercial videos etc.
Thus in order for GBs devers to be sure that there is actually a bug to fix we will need from you to do two things:
I need confirmation from those managers that reported this problem here 4 or 5 days ago but their Business Club is now back to normal use!"
No it is not back to normal and to be very honest videos never worked like the offers, surveys, etcetera which need hours - days - weeks as they are externally verified. Videos were always a tit for tat exchange, you watch one, you get one coin. It worked like that every time, 100% of the time.
All of a sudden that changed on Friday. Coincidentally, and this may have nothing to do with it, also a new version went live for the app as well as the screen/menuitem where you watch the videos. From Friday afternoon onward, all of a sudden the "videos watched to boss coins received ratio" dropped from the 100% it always was to maybe 40-50% since then.
I don't understand why convincing this is a bug is needed, when there is a clear change in the before and after scenario for many players. This can only mean two things: an intended change or an unintended change (which is a bug). Taking from your comments thus far I'm fairly certain this change was at the very least not intended. That only leaves the bug possibilty.
Anyway, I exited out of the app, then closed the app completely, the went into Android App management and cleared the app data, then restarted the app and it's still happening. Not 100% of the time but it didn't do so before either. One hour-slot I can get some coins, another hour-slot none.
I'll try and get a video somehow as well but to be honest the 'they are saying you guys have to prove this is a bug' is not a motivating factor at all.
To followup, just went through the cycle again. Started with 1012 coins, watched a video, remained 1012. Exited app, closed app fully, cleared data, restarted, still 1012. No video sadly as I don't have a second phone handy or time to take care of that today.
PS. Like I said my post above is not to be taken personally, I very much appreciate all your updates and effort put in thus far