[Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic
Here is a confirmation of granting us a level of 5.
SpecialOnereplied to Byku Duma Warmii on 11 Nov 2016, 10:50 last edited by SpecialOne 17 Feb 2017, 10:33
Done! You're level 5 again!
@SpecialOne Ok. Thank you very much
@المحمودان said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it:yes
The crew must exist for at least 1 month:yes
The crew must have a crew league:
Osm EgyptSorry, but you're not part of that crew.
It has to be a crew member requesting the level change!
@Euforia_boys said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: The Phoenix
Crew number: 8335
Requested level: Level 6 - Champions
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms (Yes/No)? Yes
Number of the crew league: 4348627
Number of the crew members: 8
List the managers that meet the activity criteria: 8 (all member)
Number of the crew members in the crew league: 8
Does the Crew have a page, and is the information on it up-to-date (yes/no)? Yes
Crew founded on: 23.12.2015
Age of the crew (in months): 12 months
List the managers that meet the experience criteria: 8 (all managers)
Position of the crew in the official crew ranking: 43Granted! Congratulations!
@Arken06 said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Union of the Supremes
Level Request: 8 - Elite
Crew must have an image and logo with the name of the crew on it : Yes
Crew must exist for minimum 30 months : Date of birth : 9/03/2014 , 34 months
Crew must have an up-to-date crew page : Yes
Crew must have a crew league. YesUoS Crew League
Crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 1000 matches (on the main account). : @Arken06 , @Fabio-Power , @AMICIDINESSUNO , @SRACELLO , @milito6969
Crew must be in the Top 10 official crew ranking. : At 03/01/2017 , 3rd placeThanks,
Arken06Granted! Congratulations!
@IoanMaties said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: Revolutionists Academy
Crew number: 7877
Requested level: 4 - Favourites
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms(Yes/No)? : Yes
Number of the crew league: 26281799
Number of the crew members: 7
List the managers that meet the activity criteria : BIX1088, temungin, Madalin Raileanu, Vlady93, AdryanEg7, f.L.o.R.e, IoanMaties
Number of the crew members in the crew league: 6
Does the Crew have a page, and is the information on it up-to-date (yes/no)? Yes
Crew founded on: 11.08.2015
Age of the crew (in months): 16
List the managers that meet the experience criteria: BIX1088, temungin, Madalin Raileanu, Vlady93, AdryanEg7, f.L.o.R.e
Position of the crew in the official crew ranking: 85Granted
! Congratulations
@BAGHASH_NL said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: ROMANIA 12
Crew number: 15658
Requested level: 3 - Trainers
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms(Yes/No)? : Yes
Number of the crew league: 293446
Number of the crew members: 8
Crew founded on: 06.11.2016
Age of the crew (in months): 2Sorry mate, but for NL crews, you need to go to NL forums and request level upgrade there
@Alexis-Srz said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: Make it work
Crew number: 13150
Requested level: Level 3 - trainers
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms (Yes/No)? Yes
Number of the crew league: 21323257
Number of the crew members: 22
List the managers that meet the activity criteria: 19 (all member)
Number of the crew members in the crew league: 7
Does the Crew have a page, and is the information on it up-to-date (yes/no)? Yes
Crew founded on: 26-10-2016
Age of the crew (in months): 3 months
List the managers that meet the experience criteria: 19 (all managers)
Position of the crew in the official crew ranking: 213Rejected
- Crew Image and logo » there's nothing on image related with Crew Name!
- Crew page (on OSM, not the link to an external page http://prntscr.com/dtwfr9) not really up to date, some extra info about the crew is needed!
@SpecialOne said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@BAGHASH_NL said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: ROMANIA 12
Crew number: 15658
Requested level: 3 - Trainers
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms(Yes/No)? : Yes
Number of the crew league: 293446
Number of the crew members: 8
Crew founded on: 06.11.2016
Age of the crew (in months): 2Sorry mate, but for NL crews, you need to go to NL forums and request level upgrade there
But i entered in NL forums , and for there i choose this topic . I don't found another topic with Crew levels in dutch forums . Please , can anyone help us with a link with NL version of this topic !?
@BAGHASH_NL Hi, if you go to the dutch forums OSM: Het spel and then go the the second page you will find the crew lever request topic there.
@pin.kod said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: The art of football
Crew number: 13400
Requested level: 3 - Trainers
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms(Yes/No)? : Yes
Number of the crew league: 53055349
Number of the crew members: 12
Crew founded on: 15.11.2016
Age of the crew (in months): 3Rejected! You only have 4 crew members on the crew league!
A crew league needs a minimum of 5 members to be set/accepted as crew league (Battles are not eligible as crew leagues, because they are temporary)
@AnakJoseMourinyo said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Level Request : 3 - Trainner
Level 3 – TrainersThe crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it = yes
The crew must exist for at least 1 month = Yes
The crew must have a crew league = YesCrew name : Vinsmoke Family.
-Crew Number : 13585.
-Level request : 3 Trainers.
-The crew must have an image
and logo with Crew name (or
abbreviation) on it : yes.
-The crew must exist for at
least 1 month : yes.
-The crew must have a crew
league : yes .
-The crew league number : 53056200Granted! Congratulations!
@SpecialOne I think that we have 5 or 6 crew members in a crew league at the moment, so please check is it ok now, so that we can finally earn a new level
@pin.kod said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@SpecialOne I think that we have 5 or 6 crew members in a crew league at the moment, so please check is it ok now, so that we can finally earn a new level
Granted! Congratulations!
@SpecialOne Good Job,I like you
@SpecialOne Thank you, cheers
@rock4you said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: THE Jokers
Crew number : 13055
Requested level: 4 - Favorites
Crew image meets the terms(Yes\No): Yes
Number of the crew league: 68026469
Number of the crew members: 10
List the manager that meet the activity criteria: mariusd16,Varutzu,Cristian Nadolsky,nexium.coco,Spider RZV,AndreiDCN,Maryka7,fc cosmy,rock4you,parpanita
Number of the crew members in the crew league: 8
Does the crew have a page,and is the information on it up-to-date (Yes\No): Yes
Crew founded on: 19.11.2016
Age of the crew (In months): 16
List the managers that meet the experience criteria: mariusd16,Varutzu,Cristian Nadolsky,nexium.coco,Spider RZV,AndreiDCN,Maryka7,fc cosmy,rock4you,parpanita
Position of the crew league:94@rock4you said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@rock4you I wrong:
Age of the crew (in months): 3
Number the crew members in the crew league: 9
I'am so sorry!Done, congratulations!
@Netvigator said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Level 7 - Phenomenons
Crew must have an image and logo with the name of the crew on it. YES
Crew must exist for minimum 20 months. YES
Crew must have an up-to-date crew page. YES
At least 50% of the crew must play in the crew league. YES
Crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 750 matches (on the main account). YES
Crew must be in the Top 25 official crew ranking. YESWe actually achieved the Top25 position in December 2016, but I was too busy to post the application.
Request rejected.
Ranking is 27 today! Sorry, but crew has to be on Top 25 when request is made or when we're checking it. Can't open your screenshot, I believe it's a screenshot about ranking, but no idea when it was taken...
Note: Please on next request add the Crew name and Nr on the request!
@Andreas-Fals said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Level Request : 3 - Trainner
Level 3 – TrainersThe crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it = yes
The crew must exist for at least 1 month = Yes
The crew must have a crew league = YesCrew name : Klewes Family.
-Crew Number : 13837.
-Level request : 3 Trainers.
-The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it : yes.
-The crew must exist for at least 1 month : yes.
-The crew must have a crew league : yes .Done, congratulations!