@warriorfcp Indeed. This is ridiculous. Only an extrem small amount of the managers can benefit from this, if they're lucky enough to be able to use their scout tonight. This had absolutely nothing to do with trying to increase the enjoyment of this game. More so, 99% of the managers are completely pissed by what is in the beginning a nice promotions. As been said 100x before, these short actions should be announced 24hrs in advance, so the active managers can prepare their actions.
True, but the think is that the scouts should already be better than how it is. -
Meanwhile it becomes only ridiculous here
@frits-van-turenhout_nl i think main idea of this events - suddenness. In the league, where timers off, some of my opponents got the advantage. But last time i noticed flash event in another league and upgraded the stadium by a couple of levels in 1 evening for only 20-30 bosscoins
@alyssagb Why is training still 8hours instead of 4. It says trainings will go faster??? I'm on the dutch server it's 10.33am cet here
@alyssagb it is true that a training during this event lasts 4 hours?
KoningCo English Usersreplied to Smikkelbeertje_123_NL on 23 Apr 2021, 08:42 last edited by KoningCo 23 Apr 2021, 08:43
@smikkelbeertje_123_nl No, it's only more training progression this time (not faster).
@koningco On the dutch server we recieved a message that its training madness. Players will train faster harder and better...
Same thing here, in norwegian language. It's misleading to say it is faster when it hasn't changed. -
@dernemej-vocksic where do you see 'faster'?
Sorry guys
You're right, the message states that it will be also faster progression, but this event is only extra progression, no 4h training.... Trainings will continue to take 8h to complete!
Seems that our messaging software is having a tough week (second time this one, first was with the transfers on crew battles)...
Let's blame the software and not the person behind it... a couple mistakes versus more than 100 correct times shouldn't have so much influence, agree
Sorry for all this guys and thanks for understanding
@alyssagb could you notify these events in advance? My players finish their training with the end of this event
@alyssagb The real question is: can we benefit once or twice? Because it is not possible to use boss coins in some leagues.
This weekend's event: Transfer Deadline Weekend
Starts: April 30, 10AM CEST | Ends: May 3, 9AM CESTThis weekend it's Transfer Deadline Weekend, which means a faster Scout & higher selling chance!
Your Scout will return with players after 2 hours instead of 16 and the chance of selling players on the Transfer List will be much higher!
@alyssagb said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@valen-taverna Hi, we'll try to announce it in advance next time.
This sounds good. Mainly GB should take the timers into account. For example about an announcement 9 hours before a flash training events starts.
But when there is a stadium flash event next time GB should be aware that people start stadium upgrades 18 hours earlier. So in this case it should be announced the day before the flash event. I hope GB understands this. Because otherwise people are still waiting for their current stadium upgrade when the flash event ends.
@alyssagb @Majstor-Matt ok broo. let's rock!