Hi, I would like to know which tournament is temporarily this month?
Wenger Wisereplied to MasterSup on 10 Apr 2021, 23:46 last edited by Wenger Wise 10 Apr 2021, 23:46
@wenger-wise Thank you so much
Congrats bro, on winning itThe guy who got 10,000 BCs made a great investment. The guy be like-
I hate the boss coins and the idea of buying them, though -
gratz! but watch out: they are boss coins not bitcoin
Finally it's time that OSM pay us (players) and not viceversa -
@vinayak-singh-mehra Nope...some have as high as 14,000 of them.
@alyssagb said in Promotions/Campaigns:
This weekend's event: Transfer Madness
Starts: April 16, 10AM CEST | Ends: April 19, 9AM CESTThis weekend players are looking to change clubs during the Transfer Madness Event! Be ready!
Now I will be able to play the CCW better.
ZinedineCiocan English Usersreplied to AlyssaGB on 15 Apr 2021, 12:55 last edited by ZinedineCiocan 15 Apr 2021, 12:57
@alyssagb is it worth listing players for sums like 70-80-90 millions? during the event I mean
Really! Was waiting for this since a long time! -
Temporary event: Extraordinary Scout
Starts: April 20, 7PM CEST | Ends: April 20, 11PM CESTBe ready! In less than three hours the Extraordinary Scout is back!
Between 19:00 and 23:00 CEST, your Scout will be back from his trip within 2 hours.
Not only will he be faster, but he'll also be back with better deals. This is your chance to bolster your Squad in all the right places.
You should announce these events in the previous day.
I opened the scout today at the morning, and now he only comes back tomorrow... If I knew that I would not send him back to search and take advantage from the event...
@warriorfcp Indeed. This is ridiculous. Only an extrem small amount of the managers can benefit from this, if they're lucky enough to be able to use their scout tonight. This had absolutely nothing to do with trying to increase the enjoyment of this game. More so, 99% of the managers are completely pissed by what is in the beginning a nice promotions. As been said 100x before, these short actions should be announced 24hrs in advance, so the active managers can prepare their actions.
True, but the think is that the scouts should already be better than how it is. -
Meanwhile it becomes only ridiculous here
@frits-van-turenhout_nl i think main idea of this events - suddenness. In the league, where timers off, some of my opponents got the advantage. But last time i noticed flash event in another league and upgraded the stadium by a couple of levels in 1 evening for only 20-30 bosscoins