@AlyssaGB is the price still 100 boss coins per player for these?
Is the legend event a new one? And why are they so expensive?
@AlyssaGB You could put on the next event - buying a football player from the Bundesliga.
That subject has already been covered across several posts.
Guys, Someone should say that, Legends are not enough strong. Especially in the 26-27th week already every team have +100 points players. Please think that. Legends should be stronger
@Meftuun18 - In my opinion the legends are strong, I bought Bergkamp and hes my leading Goalscorer with 15 goals and 4 assists in 13 games
@Suleman____f yes but you do know a normal player that cost 1 BCs off the list can score this amount of goals and assists? Or a scouted young player for 15BCs?
@jeffro-davies - Yh, I just bought him because I had boss coins to blow and I had boss coin compensation
@AlyssaGB Haven't the negative comments about the previous Legends Event not reached GameBasics? Why again while there was so much critisism on this event the last time?
How harmful is this event after all?
Hi @KoningCo, thanks for your feedback! Since the Legends Event is a new event in OSM, we are still looking how we can optimize this event for the users. We will certainly take your feedback. We'll be actively asking the opinion of our managers in the aftermath of the event.
Stop copying Fifa.
Seriously, again the legends event? We already had it less than a month ago.. and apparently nothing was done with all the negative feedback. Mainly 100BC for one player is ridiculous.. Make it 15-20 BC or so and you'll find a lot more managers making use of it. But 100 BC is simply a scam. Are you trying to exploit people's boredom due to the Corona quarantine? Because nothing else justifies the price..
It's fine, just make the price 5 to 10 BC.
Think 15-20 BCs is reasonable. I would never buy one of these players for over 20BCs. Iād rather pick a player from the scout. Can get 6 players from the scout and some change how much GB are charging for these Legends
@Suleman____f My Sanchez has scored 20 goals in 11 matches...... XD. Still do u feel the same????
@Suleman____f So you are not in the hard league, i create a league with my friends, everyone have higher than 100 points players. So Legends are meaningless
I'm afraid that there are a lot of inexperienced managers paying 100 BC for a legend, not realizing that legends don't have any added value in comparison to normal high-rated players (besides a fancy colour lol).
In my opinion, this is a very shady way to earn money.