@خروف-بلدي Hello mate and welcome to the English forums.
So, are you talking about the Special Offers that the computer sends you randomly or about the Negotiations ones?
This is a Special Offer :
These Special offers appear to our leagues in a complete random way. At different times of the day and do not follow a specific patern. But if you get any of them at any time you should know these things:
- You get a special notification for these offers on your league account. Plus, if you use the OSM App you normally get a special notification on your phone too , telling you to check out a real bargain of a player!
- These Special offers though last only for 6 hours.
- If you are lucky and have enough Club Funds to buy this player all you have to do is go to your Transfer List and if you want him you can click on the green box that tells you the price of this player and also asks of you to use 1 Boss Coin. Just like you buy players from your own Transfer List .
Did you understand all of the above or do you need something else?