Community/Global Non Official Events Advertisement
@Markez17 said in Community/Global Non Official Events Advertisement:
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан Your event goes against OSM rules, it's based on Battlepedia.
Ah ok, the regulation was created and each rule defined, there are no quotes about battlepedia in this regulation, including battlepedia to stay there.
But anyway, I'm waiting and making Choice of Opponents available in this new OSM battle model, this competition would already be held in this mold of this "New Battle Model (I don't know what you call it)", but as always, things take time to be made. We are still waiting for this promised "innovation" and not delivered yet.
@MenagerBL @MemphisNL
This topic isn't for suggestions or discussions that are off topic. The purpose for this topic is to advertise competitions and request for a separate topic on the international community forum. Of course, these competitions must observe all OSM rules. -
Hi everyone, i present this tournament organized to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the group El Potrero. Its duration will be approximately 2 months, the stipulated date to begin is March 08.
Any "fictitious" group of friends consisting of 4 members can participate. To distinguish themselves from the others, each group must designate a proper name and, if possible, a shield (in the case of not having one, a default shield will be assigned).
The tournament will be divided into 3 phases, each one different in format and number of members participating representing their group. Phase 1 "Europa League" (4 managers per group), phase 2 "La Piña" (2 managers per group) and finally phase 3 "Individual" (1 manager per group). All groups will play all 3 rounds, this means that the group that did poorly in the first round can recover in the second or third phase.
WCG Points: These are the points that each group can earn according to their performance in the different phases. The winner of the tournament will be the group that accumulates the most WCG points at the end of the 3 rounds. Each phase will have its own scoring system, which will be explained below.
General rules:
- There will be a limit of 48 participating groups.
- In the case of having more registered, these will remain as reservations.
- In the case of having fewer registered, you can choose to re-organize the phases with 32 participating groups or delay the start date by no more than 1 week.
- The registration method will be by order of arrival.
- When creating the leagues, training camps, timers, coin compensation and cup will be deactivated. Secret training will be allowed unlimited.
- Not creating the league with these specifications will be considered as bad league creation, sanctioned with -10 WCG points.
- Leagues must be created on time, without exception. In case the preset schedule is exceeded without the league being created, it will wait until the next day to do it with the same schedule.
- A sanction of -10 WCG points will be applied for failing to comply with the schedule.
Friendly matches are allowed without restrictions.
Selecting a team that does not belong will be worth a penalty of -20 WCG points.
- In case this happens, there will be an exchange of teams with the other participant involved.
- Purchases can be made from the first sales pass after the creation of the league.
- Any purchase prior to this time will be considered illegal transfer and will be sanctioned with -3 WCG points for each purchase made.
- Immediate sales are totally prohibited.
- It will be sanctioned with -3 WCG points every time it is done.
- Transfers between teams in the same league are not allowed, this includes the CPU.
- Each transfer will be sanctioned with -3 WCG points.
- Players are not allowed to line up outside their natural position.
- Each poorly aligned player will be sanctioned with -4 WCG points.
The withdrawal of the competition from a participant, either by resignation or not having entered the league before the first date, will make their points void and may not participate in any subsequent round. The penalties you have committed will not be withdrawn.
Insults and / or disqualifications towards other users are not allowed, doing so will mean the immediate elimination of competition.
Ignorance of the rules does not absolve you. In the event of any event that alters competition or harms some for the benefit of others, the organization reserves the right to take the corresponding measures.
Round 1
Phase 1, called "Europa league", will be played in the Eurocopa sub of 48 teams (4 leagues in total). This round will last approximately 20 days.
In this phase all the members of the group will participate (4). Each group will have a unique pool, consisting of 4 teams, each pool will have a total value similar to the rest.
These pools will be assigned by lottery. -
Scoring system: Participants will get a score that will be added to their group total.
1. Each victory will award 3 points, ties 1 point and losses will not add up. In addition, 1 point will be added to each participant who manages to advance round, 5 points for the champion, 3 points for the runner-up and 1 point for those who remained in the semifinals.
- The points obtained in this phase will go directly to the final classification table WCG 2020.
Round 2
They will be played in a league of 8 teams (12 leagues in total), in which 4 couples will compete, each consisting of 2 members of the same group. Duration of the phase: 19 days.
Scoring system: it will be simple, a normal 4vs4 battle table will be used. In addition, there will be a bonus of 10 WCG points for the winning couple and 5 WCG points for the couple that is second in their respective leagues.
The pools will be awarded to each couple through a raffle and will be distributed as follows:
- M1 + M7
- M3 + M5
- The points obtained in this phase will not go directly to the final table, but the following formula will be used:
- Total points * 0.1 = WCG points
Round 3
Phase 3, Individual: As the name says, this phase will be individually, that is, only one member of each group will play.
They will be played in leagues of 12 teams (4 leagues in total), in which one representative of each group will compete. The distribution of leagues and teams will be done by lottery, the league will be chosen later to avoid possible updates. This phase will be 27 days long.
Scoring system: The points obtained by the participants will go directly to those of their group in the final table of the tournament. In addition, the winners of each league will get 7 pts, 4 pts to which there are seconds left and 2 pts to remain in the 3rd, 4th and 5th place.
In addition to the forum, we will also be present on 2 platforms for more communication and information.
- WhatsApp:
- Only those leaders or captains participating in the tournament can join.
- There will be 2 groups, one where only information will be given and another where we can communicate with each other.
- Discord:
- There is a server created so that anyone who wants information about the tournament or wants to contact us can join.
- Anyone can join, here the link:
- Any questions or comments can inform us, you can register right now through the following registration forms:
You can also register by going to the topic of our group, in the Hispanic forum, here the link:
Registration ends March 5.
The organizers are:
Thanks for your attention.
WCG 2020
I forgot something very important!
- In this tournament all OSM rules must be followed, so it is not allowed to lose with a partner.
Round 2 is the only round where they will share the league with a teammate, here are some tips so there is no problem when playing against a colleague:
All players must be properly aligned, including substitutes.
You must play with the best possible team.
You can let your tired players rest, as long as you replace them with the next highest rated player.
You must play with a pre-established tactic.
To ensure that you have followed these tips, please take a screenshot before the game simulation.
Thanks for the attention
I am hereby requesting the creation of a topic in the Crews forum, for the Nations Cup.
Thank you
As you can see in the following links, we already have the support of a large amount of national teams:ão-sugestão-de-um-torneio-de-seleções/2
@feelstrikex you misunderstood me mate.
Please read carefully the first page of this topic! You have to post every info about this tournament, it's purpose and how you intend on keeping the topic (if approved) active.
Hello friends,
I bring to you, a new sugestion of competition, specially dedicated to OSM National teams : Nations Cup
We were inspired, by the CC format, but in this case applied to OSM National teams. The competition, will have a size at least of 16 teams, but dependind on the registrations, may have 32, 48 or 64 teams, and this will define the number of leagues and the next stages of the competition :
With 16 teams - 1 league - best 8 - final
With 32 teams - 2 leagues - best 8/per league - final
With 48 teams - 3 leagues - best 5/per league and best 6th of all - final
With 64 teams - 4 leagues - best 8/per league - 1/2 final/2 leagues - best 8/per league - finalThe chosen league to this competition is Community League, and all teams will be drawn regardless of the number of teams participating in the tournament.
English will be the official language of the Tournament.
In order, to avoid the coexistence, of coaches of the same National Team, in the same league, they will be distributed according to a draw key, as shown in the picture below :Besides me, there´s a team preparing, this competition, composed by :
@nelson6111Nations Cup Regulation
1 - Alignments
1.1 - Between rounds there must be at least 2 coaches being replaced by others.
1.2 - Alignment change within 30 minutes after posting (If you do not exceed the alignment posting time limit)
1.3 - Post alignment after hours (-20 points in the final table) for each hour of delay doubles the penalty up to a maximum of 2h59min / (- 80 points) without alignment the selection is disqualified and prohibited from participating in the next edition.
2 - Nationality
2.1 - All coaches, in the different alignments of the tournament, must be of the nationality they represent, and there will be a limit of 2 coaches from the same crew in the same National Team
3 - League creation
3.1 - Moderator of each league will be drawn.
3.2 - The same National team does not create more than 1 time in the tournament.
3.3 - If the league is created incorrectly, the responsible coach (PM) will be penalized with -6 points at the end of the general classification if and only if the league is considered playable by the organization.
If the league is not considered playable the National team receives a penalty of -20 points.4- Transfers
4.1 - CPU offers cannot be accepted. (-10 points if accepted)
4.2 - Instant sales are prohibited. (-10 points if it occurs)
4.3 - Selling at the player's exact market value translates into the same penalty as an instant sale.
4.4 - The sale and purchase between human coaches is prohibited. (-10 points if there is a sale between human coaches)
4.5 - The purchase of Legends players is prohibited. (-10 points if you buy any Legend player)
4.6 - The purchase of the Week's players is allowed.
5 - Friendlies
5.1 - In this edition, friendly matches are forbidden, resulting in a penalty of -15 points.
6 - Secret Training / Training Camps
6.1 - Each player can use 6 Secret Training.
6.2 – Training Camps in this edition are prohibited.
7 - Select the wrong team.
7.1 - The choice of the wrong team in case of the same objective results in a penalty of -20 points
7.2 - The choice of the wrong team and different objective translates into the penalty (7.1) and the creation of a new league.
8 - Score.
The first 4 classified
will have the following bonuses:
1st -> + 20 Points
2nd -> + 15 Points
3 ° -> + 10 Points
4 ° -> + 5 PointsThe last 4 classified will receive a penalty of:
13 ° -> -5 Points
14 ° -> -10 Points
15 ° -> -15 Points
16 ° -> -20 PointsThe points obtained in the league will be multiplied by 3;
The goal difference will be multiplied by 2;
There will be a penalty for falling below the goal of -2 points;
There will be a bonus for being above the goal of 2 points;
For fulfilling the objective receives a bonus of 2 points;
9 - Complaint.
The denunciation of the breach of the rules will be made, in a authorized official topic, in the Crews forum.
We have already presented this competition on the following links :ão-sugestão-de-um-torneio-de-seleções?page=1
And several, National Teams, shown support for this competition :
National Teams
#1 Argentina
#2 Belgium
#3 Bolivia
#4 Brazil
#5 Camaroon
#6 Canada
#7 Chile
#8 Colombia
#9 Costa Rica
#10 Croacia
#11 El Salvador
#12 United Arab Emirates
#13 Spain
#14 France
#15 Hungary
#16 Indonesia
#17 Iran
#18 Kosovo
#19 Líbya
#20 Morocco
#21 Peru
#22 Poland
#23 Portugal
#24 United Kingdom
#25 Romania
#26 Russia
#27 Sudan
#28 Ukraine
#29 UruguaiIn order to inform the community, about tournament registration, competition calendar, league draws, and other information relevant to the development of the tournament, we intend to have a topic, in Crews forum. So, we ask the members of the English support team :
@King_Jamiu_10To aprecciate, this good idea, and give us authorization to have a topic for this competition, called Nations Cup.
I would take this opportunity, to thank the support, shown by every National Team, and i hope that many others, will join this idea, and that this request be approved, to have the national teams competitions back and regain their space in this forum.
A special mention for :
For the patience, they have with us.
Thank You, stay safe and enjoy life!!
O @Apocalipse4 has already posted how we intend to do the tournament.
Nice to see that a new format of the Nations's Tournament is being organised and an official request for a forum topic is made.
However, we need you (organisers) to clear out some things before thinking of authorizing a topic for this tournament.
First, with so many restrictions/penalties, this will lead to a lot of reports, misunderstandings, discussions and topic will end up being the opposite of what's intended.
Regulation 7.2 for example: who is going to recreate the league? Also, what happens to the initial league created?Second, some questions need clarification,so a Q & A section should do justice to this.
Third, we expect that an official topic should promote salutar forum discussion, Not a topic just for sign ups, cheering up posts, reports of penalties, screenshots of results....
So, we need you (organisers) to explain exactly what you plan on doing to keep topic active, promote discussion between users and how you will handle sign up/penalties, etc... that's not what we want to see on the topic.Thanks!
Hello friends,
@King_Jamiu_10 after analysing the questions that were raised, we decided to make some changes, to make the communication of the competition more clear and objective, and at the same time interesting and stimulating. Beside that, we made some changes in the regulation of the tournament, in order to be simpler and not so penalizing and restrictive.
About the activity in the topic, which is something that we cannot control enterily, we decided to bring info about the Nations that will be in the tournament, something like a diary of the competition, where we will publish interviews, with the National Teams captains and coaches, and several game statistics in addition to creating a symbolic prize for the featured coaches and also for the National Teams. All this activities, will have an almost daily frequency, to captivate the interest of the participants, and also to stimulate the dialogue between the coaches, in a healthy way.
Another significant change, lies in the fact that we remove all "negative" communication from the topic, with the initiative of forwarding all reports, to an email from the competition, thus avoiding overloading the topic with that information. But we will keep in the topic, the registration phase and also the lineups, because its historic and relevant information, for the development of the tournament, and should be available to all the participants. Without any further delay, here´s the new version of the Nations Cup regulation :Nations Cup Regulation
1 - Alignments
1.1 - Between rounds there must be at least 2 coaches being replaced by others.
1.2 - Alignment change within 30 minutes after posting (If you do not exceed the alignment posting time limit)
2 - Nationality
2.1 - All coaches, in the different alignments of the tournament, must be of the nationality they represent, with a limit of 2 members of the same crew.
3 - League creation
3.1 - Moderator of each league will be drawn.
3.2 - The same National team does not create more than 1 time in the tournament.
3.3 - If the league is created incorrectly, the responsible coach (PM) will have to create another league, or another coach who offers to do so.
4- Transfers
4.1 - CPU offers cannot be accepted. (-10 points if accepted)
4.2 - Instant sales are prohibited. (-10 points if it occurs)
4.3 - Selling at the player's exact market value translates into the same penalty as an instant sale.
4.4 - The sale and purchase between human coaches is prohibited. (-10 points if there is a sale between human coaches.
5 - Friendlies
5.1 - In this edition, friendly matches are forbidden, resulting in a penalty of -15 points.
6 - Secret Training / Training Camps
6.1 - Each player can use 6 Secret Training.
6.2 – Training Camps in this edition are prohibited.
7 - Select the wrong team.
7.1 - The choice of the wrong team in case of the same objective results in a penalty of -20 points
7.2 - The choice of the wrong team and different objective translates into the penalty (7.1).
8 - Score.
The first 4 classified
will have the following bonuses:
1st -> + 20 Points
2nd -> + 15 Points
3 ° -> + 10 Points
4 ° -> + 5 PointsThe last 4 classified will receive a penalty of:
13 ° -> -5 Points
14 ° -> -10 Points
15 ° -> -15 Points
16 ° -> -20 PointsThe points obtained in the league will be multiplied by 3;
The goal difference will be multiplied by 2;
There will be a penalty for falling below the goal of -2 points;
There will be a bonus for being above the goal of 2 points;
For fulfilling the objective receives a bonus of 2 points;
9 - Complaint.
The denunciation of the breach of the rules will be made in the competition email :
Where you should send every evidence of the breach (print screens).In order to clarify any doubts, about the competition regulation, and other issues related to the tournament, we decided to do a question and answer session, which will run from 01/16 to 01/17 until 22:00. So we appeal to all those interested in this competition, to come here through the forum, and ask your questions, which we will gladly answer.
I want to apologize to the national coach of Azerbaijan, @Sabit-Mamedov , and to the National Team itself, because i forgot to mention their support, in the list we published in the last post.
And once again thank all the nations that have expressed their support for this competition, and the countless messages that I have received, expressing interest in the tournament and asking for the start of it.Thank You, stay safe and enjoy life!!
Good to see that you have made some adjustments to the initial format, but some things still have to change before we allow topic.
You also have to agree on a few things:
- Topic will be created on Crew forums
- Title will be "Nations Cup - Explanation, FAQ, Rules and Discussion"
- Image/logo has to be way smaller, maximum (200 x 200)
- You will also have to solve this:
"But we will keep in the topic, the registration phase and also the lineups, because its historic and relevant information, for the development of the tournament, and should be available to all the participants."
History can also be kept on a form shared with users. It also keeps time and date!
- We don't allow or deny competitions. Every single user can organise all kind of events/competitions as long as they follow OSM Terms at ALL times.
- If a user organises an event and OSM Terms are broken, we just apply the punishments upon reports or if they came to our attention by any other reason.
- In this topic, users can advertise their events and/or request a topic for those events. If they meet the criteria requested, we'll allow or deny topic!
Hello friends,
@King_Jamiu_10 regarding the last questions, you brought, to meet the conditions, for the topic approval, we agree with them, and we have reduced the size of the competition logo, as you can see in the top of this post, we expect that this size is ok, if not we can change it.
The title for the topic, its perfect, and i´m sure, that everybody will understand it, and probably, you´ll make an opening statement that clarifies the context of it.
About the team registration and lineups, we solved it, with Google Forms, and so this information will be sended directly to the email of the competition, here you can see the original file :
This file, will be attached in the first statement, we do in the new topic, where we will explain how it works, step by step, to the teams.
And with this final tunning, i think we met, the conditions to have the topic approved, so we will wait for your evaluation, so that we can move on to the next phase.Thank you, stay safe and enjoy life
Hello guys,
In Light of your agreement to and meeting the conditions in requesting a forum topic for the Nations Tournament, topic is hereby approved!
You can create topic and make your opening post, while we'll be moving all relevant posts on this topic to the new one.
Goodluck with your tournament
Hello friends,
@King_Jamiu_10 we have followed your instructions, and opened the Nations Cup topic, a few minutes ago!! On behalf of the team that prepared and will organize this competition :
@Apocalipse4We appreciate this opportunity and we will do everything to make it a success and contribute to a healthy coexistence among the community and that allows everyone to have fun.
We wish to thank, also all the National teams, that had supported this project, and expect that this competition, bring the global OSM community together in harmony.Thank you, stay safe and enjoy life
@apocalipse4 All relevant posts have been moved to new topic!
@apocalipse4 Since you guys have created two posts when as introduction to the topic, all posts moved in there were added between two posts, because posts are ordered always by post date except the opening post.
To minimise the 'damages' I've editred all posts and hidden the text. If you guys think that they can be removed, let me know and I'll do it.
There's also possible to edit opening post and past there all the info on the 2nd post.The last and easiest solution is leave it like it is now
@specialone hello my friend, that's true, i made a rookie's mistake when opening the Nations Cup topic, i thought i could write a sub title!!
Once again, thank you for your help, and support to bring the Nations Cup topic Alive!!
I have another question, but maybe this isn't the right place to talk about it, can i send a PM to you?Thank you, stay safe and enjoy life
Hello, I am coming to present you the Crew Championship 2021. If approved it will be our 2nd Edition.
Below we will show you how this highly successful tournament in 2019 will work.This regulation has all the information and rules about the Crew Championship - CC 2021.
This is an unofficial tournament. No moderator or member of the OSM team has any relationship with this. Volunteer coaches manage the tournament and receive nothing for it. So be respectful in your treatment during the tournament. CC is a long tournament, so make sure that your group/crew can advance in each round. Be considerate of other teams and play until the end. Withdrawals will be severely punished, so read the Rules carefully and share them with all your team members.
CC is a crew tournament played in divisions in the new format of (key A X B) in the same league. There will be 8 main divisions and 1 Access Division for teams that are not in the Ranking, who did not remain in the 8 Main Divisions or who abandoned the last Edition 2020.
Each division will have 2 keys (A and B) and each key will have 5 TEAMS where they will compete against each other in a League of 10 teams, the best of each Division, in a total of 5 rounds. The division of crews by divisions will be based on the last year of CC.
League Points
Champion Bonus +50 points
Last place -50 Points
Goal achieved +20 Points
Goal Balance (SG) x2
Cup Points (Champion +100 points; Vice Champion +50 points; Semi Finalists +25 points)
At the end of the 5 Rounds we will have - Division 1: The Champion will be that TEAM that after the end of the 5 Rounds obtains more points between the braces (A and B). Second and third place remain in Division 1; The fourth and fifth placed will be demoted to Division 2.- Other divisions: (2° to 7°) The winners of each bracket will be promoted to the next higher division, the Champion of their division will be the TEAM that obtains the most points between the braces (A and B). The runners-up of each bracket will be promoted to the Top Division. The runners-up will remain in the same Division they are playing, while the runner-up and the runner-up will be relegated to the next lower division.
The last 4 teams from Division 8 (fourth and fifth from keys A and B) will be eliminated from the Tournament for the next edition and will be replaced by teams from the Access Division.
Access Division: The Access Division will be defined by the Organization, taking into account in the first case the groups/crews that abandoned the 2020 edition, there will be a list with the names of all groups. And then the teams who want to register and who are out of the initial ranking. The Access Division is the only one that can have fewer teams per key than other crews rated below 70 can only play in the Access Division. Their entry into the main divisions will only occur if the top ranking team does not participate in this edition of the CC.
IMPORTANT: If any crew in the ranking between positions 1 and 70 does not want to participate in this edition of the CC, they can only start with the division of access in the next editions of the CC, losing the right to a greater division due to their current ranking. In the coming divisions, any team that wants to play in the CC will start in the Access Division. The limit will always be up to 8 divisions for better control of the tournament.
In view of the fact that by chance a Team from the 1st Division does not register for this Edition, automatically the Team from the 2nd Division will replace it, this is valid for the other Divisions. The criterion will be informed by the Organization.
IV - RULES One of the most important parts of the tournament. Read carefully and, if in doubt, ask the Organization. Any guidance from the Organization contrary to the regulation will have no effect. Only what is written in this document becomes valid. If it is extremely necessary to change or include a rule, this regulation will be edited and the crew communicated immediately.
OSM rules: Although it is an unofficial tournament, OSM rules take precedence over any internal tournament rules. Cases presented to the Organization that refer to the OSM Rules will be reported on the game channels for the OSM team's assessment, and those involved may be directly punished by that team (whether the account is suspended or banned) if they are guilty.
At least 5 months of creation of the group;
At least 7,000 App battle points;
Have played at least two competitions held by the Forums (We will request tournaments upon registration);CC Rules:
2.1 Friendly matches are allowed only for coaches of the Teams of their respective Key. Friendly against members of the other Key - 25 penalty points each.
3.1 Purchases and sales in the first simulations of the league
Buying players from the transfer list is allowed only after the first sales simulation in the league. Buying players from the transfer list before the sales simulation is considered a penalty of -25 points per player purchased.
3.2 CPU offerings
CPU offers cannot be accepted at any time; and there will also be a penalty of -25 points for each player sold to the CPU through an offer.
3.3 Instant sales
Instant sales will not be allowed, resulting in a penalty of -25 points per sale.
3.4 Sales at original value
Players cannot be sold at their exact market value. The same will have to be sold below or above its market value, if it is sold at the exact value, it will also result in the penalty of -25 points.
3.5 Internal transfers
The purchase of players between human coaches is prohibited, will result in a penalty of -25 points.
4.1 We can be considered W.O the group gives up the Tournament. The value of the W.O. will be considered Zero (0) by the Organization.
5.1 Creating the wrong league:
The League must be created in accordance with what is stipulated by the Organization. If the League Moderator creates it the wrong way, the coach group will suffer a penalty -50 points and a new league can be created correctly.
And if in case the Moderator creates again wrong the second time, the group will suffer another penalty of -100 points, and the Organization will request another Moderator from another Group to create the league.- The League Tools are as follows
Private League: YES
Training Camps: NO
Secret Training: YES
Cup / Cup: YES
Coin Compensators: NO
Coin Timers: NO
Pre-season: YES5.2 Choosing the wrong team:
The coach who will choose a team other than the one stipulated, his group who will suffer a penalty -50 points. So the opposing coach will stay with the team that was his.
5.3 Sending invitations:
The invitations must be sent by the moderator to all members at the same time, or even as a maximum limit or within 5 minutes after the creation of the league to be sent all invitations. If it is proven that there was a delay in sending invitations from one group in relation to the other (either for just reasons), the group creating the league will be penalized by -25 points. Delay of up to 1 to 10 minutes (-25 points), 10 minutes ahead (-50 points).
We suggest that PMs record a video when sending invitations so that there is a test if necessary.
6.1 Timers and compensation of funds:
Timers and fund compensation have been disabled in order to prevent the use of Boss Coins for instant evolution activities.
6.2 Posting results:
At the end of each Round, both Groups must post their results no later than 24 hours after the end of the Round. If the Organization's estimated time passes, the group will suffer a penalty of -25 points in the final score of the round.
6.3 In the event of any Game Basic event occurring during the Rounds, the Organization will not stand out in any way about such, that is, the event will be the same for both sides.
6.4 No coach may play if he is not in his home group to that mentioned in the line-up.
6.5 Team Alignments
Delay in posting alignment after the deadline stipulated by the Organization -50 points.- FAIR PLAY
7.1 Conspiracies, cheating and irregularities.
Conspiracy with other participants is not allowed. This includes illegal transfers and all other adjustments that may indicate this type of illegality. If these rules are broken, they are reported to the OSM Staff using the tool: Report cheating. And if the organization interprets it as cheating or bad faith, eliminate those involved.
7.2 Offenses
Offensive to the organization or organization of intrigue on the competition page, which affect penalties to coaches involved due to changes in the same (s) of this COMPETITION and NEXT EDITION. - GROUP JUNCTION
If there is any combination between groups, the scores and penalties (if any) of the group that will change the name remain valid.
9.1 Teams that leave the tournament at any time will be relegated to the Access Division, having to fight again for a place in the main divisions. ATTENTION: System failures (bugs) that lead to penalties for the teams will be analyzed separately by the Organization, without the right to complain to those involved.
These will be the groups and keys if all are registered.
Format of each round, there will be 5 in all.
We want to follow up on all COMMUNITIES and have great championships.
Thanks - Other divisions: (2° to 7°) The winners of each bracket will be promoted to the next higher division, the Champion of their division will be the TEAM that obtains the most points between the braces (A and B). The runners-up of each bracket will be promoted to the Top Division. The runners-up will remain in the same Division they are playing, while the runner-up and the runner-up will be relegated to the next lower division.
@tri-mundial-f-c How many managers do participate from each crew?