OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
I do not agree with you on that one.
Not everyone plays with more then one slot, if we would create a new ranking for most total manager points those managers don't have any chance to come near the top.All slots have seperate rankings which also means if you use all slots then you can have 4 places on ranking. So in my opinion those slots ranking are not useless at all this way.
@RodrigoKenji said in Map of Osm:
Can the color of the regions we complete the objective be different from the leagues that dont exist in the game.
Sry if this was post already . -
Suggestions :
A status update to see the percent of simulation on mobile and an option to redirect us on the forum from app
To see the friendly matches from the past days
Great..is posted from november 2016 this in another topic...
Because i want to see statistics of friendly matches played yesterday or few days ago, to remember what it works and what not. And not to make prints every day.
Is just a suggestion. I don't know if is possible or not, but i think i'm not the only one who think this feature will be useful.
My suggestion is to do something about Crews and Crew-life, but serious.
I can't believe that this game has +5 or 6 million players and that crews ain't a important part of the game.
For what we need crews now? If some ''volunteers'' wouldn't organise some UNOFFICIAL tournaments they would be completely, but completely useless...
What is the advantage of being in a crew? Give me one serious. Crew forum? I am sure nowdays 99% crews communicate via viber, whatsapp, messenger, skype etc. Other? hmm...
I am sure not everyone is happy with selling and buying players from season to season. Give us something new (for cews). New tasks, new achievements, some rewards, competitions, or whatever...
Cheers! -
@Sir-Robbie-Bobson said in Has osmscout.com closed? Also: boss coins for selling players, not just buying.:
In the good old days I could send my scout after a particular player if I could see him on the list at osmscout.com (or ofmscout.com). These days you seem to have jigged a whole lot of stuff around and I have to assume that this website is no longer an option, although it is just an assumption; I can't be certain because the website still exists, still asks me for my login details but gives me the error message "Sorry, we're working on the site. Please try again later" rather than "Don't waste your time, this site doesn't work any more". It's one thing to see the scoutlist close, it's another to not know and not be told so can anyone please let me know what's happened? As always, a dozen niggly things can be a whole lot more irritating than a single big problem.
I will reiterate that whoever develops this game should definitely create a "how to" guide so new players, or even older ones returning to the game, know how things work, even if it's just the basics. That such a necessity is missing is crazy. If it exists but can't be found that's almost worse. Since returning to the game, I've never been given an explanation for boss coins, what they are, how they could /should be used, whether they expire at the end of the season, the fact that they're basically a substitute for the old "private funds". The only reason I know this now is thanks to a very kind forum reader who PMd me. I was unpleasantly surprised when my scout came back last night and asked for 15 boss coins on top of the cash I had to pay for my player. If I hadn't been desperate, I wouldn't have wasted the coins but since everyone on the transfer list is 27 or older, I didn't have much choice. People, even forum moderators, have suggested that the only time you'll have to use coins is when you don't have enough cash and the coins will make up the difference. This simply isn't correct.
Let me put this suggestion on record: since every player I buy costs me a coin, then every player I sell should earn me a coin. I'd be interested to hear people's views on this.
@MenagerBL said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom For All The Community:
Give us something new (for cews). New tasks, new achievements
Good morning guys, i think this could be a very good improvement for the future
It would be a really something good to us. I'm with you! -
This post is deleted!
@marjan2241 said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom For All The Community:
@sovjet-11 bilo bi zelo dobro ce bi imeli kaksno tekmovanja med ekipami,recimo prvenstvo bivse juge,vem,da imamo toliko igralcev iz bivse juge za vsako drzavo posebej,sam ce bi se zmenli lahko,bi bilo mal popestritve na osm,pa tudi kaksne nove naloge ali pa kaj podobnega.
Hi, this is your last warning
Any more post from you using any language other than English will be regarded as spam and will attract a ban.
Be warned!!! -
@King_Jamiu_10 sorry sovjet11 is from slovenija and normally i write in slovenian language.
This is the world forum and only English language is used here. -
@King_Jamiu_10 ok,my friend.english only
@blijvenslapen_NL said in profile:
I hope that osm find a way to show in your profile what you ranking was at the end of the cup during the seasons.
If you're the runner up, nobody can see that. Runner up is also a good result (maybe it was with an underdog). -
@marjan2241 Thank you for your understanding my friend and kisses to you and my dear Tanja.
@hani-creator said in Please add holiday style:
I suffer from interruptions in the internet and I am in the middle of the league and I do not want to leave my team and I want someone to coach
I used to give my team some friends to do the job
But in the new update I did not find the holiday style so ask the administration to restore this pattern because it is very important
With Regards -
You should add, your able to manage whilst watching the match.
I hope you do, it would make the game so much much better, in my opinion the game is 4.7 stars, i hope you add this update, five stars from me if you do. -
Amr Ashraf 333 English Userswrote on 6 Aug 2017, 17:35 last edited by Amr Ashraf 333 6 Aug 2017, 17:36
Why is to control a country you must only take the club's Objective only I think it must be the League and the Cup Because I think To Control a country you must be the first man in it Because with the Objective only It is very easy and not realistic Also I have some friends join the league in the last week to take Domination only Because the Objective is so easy
I hope my Idea has reached