I'm Kicked out from my league?
Sa kardeş aynı problem bende de var (same problem for me) Bende beşiktaştım ve bende moddum (
@SelimTan5 Hi, mate.
Your still here at world and English is the only language here, so let's keep it that way. -
@DnzGn7227 said in I'm Kicked out from my league?:
I'm mod of this Yaprak League: 61027694, and i'm kicked out for no reason. I can't accept myself to my league again because im mod. I don't know why this happened, i was playing as Besiktas can you fix this please?
@DnzGn7227 said in I'm Kicked out from my league?:
I'm mod of this Yaprak League: 61027694, and i'm kicked out for no reason. I can't accept myself to my league again because im mod. I don't know why this happened, i was playing as Besiktas can you fix this please?
Im loging in with my pc and iOS App (iPhone) Website (PC)
Login: DnzGn7
Account: Slot 1
League number: 61027694
Date & Time of the bug: 12.12.2016 23:00 Turkish timeline
Platform: Website PC
Screenshots: http://i.hizliresim.com/jX361G.jpg
Bug step-by-step Description: I was playing with my Besiktas career, then page refreshed itself, there was no Besiktas slot. I was mod and i couldn't enter my league again. Besiktas is empty now.***For bugs related with the full website and Facebook versions, please add:
Browser: Chrome***For bugs related with the Android App and iOS App versions, please add:
App Version: ios
Brand/type device: ios -
im sorry same problem for me, what we can do?
@SelimTan5 First try to remove cookies/cache from browser and if that does not work report it here exactly the way the OP from this topic did it (using the bug template that you can find in the please read important topic on support forum)
@Hespera i tried but its not the solution this problem
@nuno.karika same for us league is here but we were kicked from the league and we were a mod
@nuno.karika I've asked you to fill in the comlete bug template, that you can find here: important-info-please-read
It's really important that we collect as much information as we can, so please help us to help you all.
@SelimTan5 said in I'm Kicked out from my league?:
same for us league is here but we were kicked from the league and we were a mod
If this is not resolved, it's a shame.
@nuno.karika This topic is not for spamming, so if you don't have something to add such as the template that it's needed.
Then please don't post here. -
@Hespera Bug Report Template:
Website (PC or mobile device) Android App
Login: nuno.karika
Account: (Slot1, Slot2)
League number: i dont know
Date & Time of the bug: i don t know, i was in my account at 5 pm and my things Disappeared
Platform: (Website PC, Android App
Screenshots:(Full screen - URL and time should be presented)
Bug step-by-step Description: (The ideal is that you describe all the steps you do to reproduce the error) -
Login: ?
Account: Slot 3
League Number: 66033530
Date &Time of the Bug: 2-3 hours ago
Platform: Android and PC
Bug Step by Step: I set up a special league of my own, and after 1 match, I did not see my team that had to be on the list. Turkish League, League name: Kaloithis Nick: SelimTan5
App version:3.2.05 -
This post is deleted!
Thanks for the templates everyone, that helps very much.
They try to fix it as soon as possible, in the mean time please remain calm. -
Me too, I played in Premiere League with Leicester!
understood and we will of course all remain calm
I think the question that everyone here wants to know is whether the fix will be retro-active. For example, I got kicked out of the league that I was winning on the very last day. My team finished first, but I was already kicked out. Will my league win be fully restored/recognized? that's the main concern. -
Yeah that's a good question.