OSM WC 2019 Edition
Hey bosses, OSM World Championship is back with it's 2019 edition!
What is OSM World Championship?
OSM World Championship is an official event organized by the OSM staff for the outstanding managers in this game, based on the total number of manager points they earned during a set period. No cheaters or managers with forum bans will be allowed to join the competition and play in it, whether they were found guilty during the qualification period, after it, or during the World Championship itself.
2019 Edition of OSM WC will be played in same format as 2018 edition:
- 144 managers (including winner of last editions that won't need to qualify for it)
- 3 rounds
- Round 1: 12 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 4 managers from each league go through to Round 2.
- Round 2: 4 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 3 managers from each league go through to Round 3.
- Round 3: 1 league of 12 managers » The winner of the league is the OSM World Champion 2019.
- Special Leagues for each round (No BCs compensation, No training camps, No Secret trainings neither transfers. Remaining features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round)
VERY IMPORTANT: I'm still thinking if we can change this edition system, take a look to the next post and you will see my proposal, you suggesstions are welcome!
What must you know about get a place in WC?
- Only leagues with a minimum of 14 matches played on it will be taken into account
- Qualification period will be between 1st December and 31st May, but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account
- We'll be doing random checks on managers that are on TOP 500 on this period, so if you're thinking on take a short cut to qualify, think twice.
- Managers who have been punished in game between 01/2018 and day that WC begins can't take part!
Starting date: Not yet defined, but should be early July 2019!
What can I do in this topic until WC qualification period ends?
- Feel free to write your doubts (But please, read everything and see if someone already ask about it!) about competition. You can see last edition topic if you want, on the following link: https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/25583/osm-wc-2018-edition/
- You can let us know how much Manager points you are recolecting when period begins and you finish your leagues. but don't forget that maybe it won't be your official amount.
- Only english is welcome here, don't write in another language!
An example about how let us know your manager points...
Markez17 (Slot 1)
22/12/2018 - Team A - 2000 manager points
20/01/2019 - Team B - 3200 manager points
20/02/2019 - Team C - 2500 manager pointsTotal between 14/12/2018 and 31/05/2019: 7700 manager points!
@language-AR @language-DE @language-EN @language-ES @language-FR @language-HU @language-ID @language-IT @language-PL @language-PT @language-RO @language-RU @language-TR
Here i post my idea for this WC edition, i don't want surprises when qualification reach the end during May and i think would be nice to listen your suggestions (Logical of course, non sense post will be deleted!) in the public topic.
If you are member of a management forum team, you must have a topic where talk about competitions like this and your CM will share directly to me in our private forum. If anyway you want to share your suggestions here, feel free to do it!
Proposal 1
- Keep like last edition.
-- 144 users and 3 phases (12-4-1 leagues).
Proposal 2
Best 4 qualified from last edition final + Best 24 from manager points WC list are automatically qualified and don't need to play a 1st WC round.
-- 1st round: 11 leagues of 12 managers each one. (Best 4 goes to next round)
-- 2nd round: 6 leagues of 12 managers each one. (Best 4 goes to next round)
-- Semifinal: 2 leagues of 12 managers each one.
-- Final: 1 league with 12 manager to know our 2019 WC champion. -
With this proposal, we have 160 users in total and we have something "different".
Proposal 3
Best 4 qualified from last edition final are automatically qualified and don't need to play a 1st WC round.
-- 1st round: 11 leagues of 12 managers each one. (Best 4 goes to next round)
-- Semifinal: 4 leagues of 12 managers each one. (Best 3 goes to next round)
-- Final: 1 league with 12 manager to know our 2019 WC champion. -
With this proposal, we have 136 users in total. It's not my favourite because i don't want to reduce users number but it's an alternative to the Proposal 2 with only three phases and not four.
Of course, it's depend about the cheater number in WC list. I would like to take back the 192 users but we must think that probably again we can't have easily so much users and i prefer to save my back and not promise something that i won't be able to give later.
I'm thinking about "divisions" depending of total manager points, for example +40k MP, playing in a WC side and the rest to the other side until reach a numbers of users who get a place. I think it's better for other new competition and not for WC.
Thanks for your time and i'll be waiting to read anything to improve this championship! (If you think that you have a good idea but for a new championship, let me know by private message and not in this topic please)
- Keep like last edition.
@markez17 Hi like the Proposal 2
@markez17 proposal 3.
hi : proposal 2
@markez17 proposal 2
@markez17 said in OSM WC 2019 Edition:
Proposal 2
Proposal 2
I prefer the proposal 1, because the proposal 3 reduces the number of manager, and the proposal 2 makes too difficult, for those who aren’t in the best 28, to reach the final
Proposal 1
Proposal 1
proposal 2
Proposal 1
Proposal 2.
Proposal 1
Proposal 2
proposal 2
proposal 2