Hi there, I've been checking old posts and could find what I was looking.
I'm an experianced player (playing the game since 2009.), I am a leader of a crew and we compete in the new battle system, where we are in the Top 100 crews.
I hear people talking obout CCW. I would like to know more about it. What is it ? How is it played ? And ofc how can my crew join ?
(I bealive there are lots of other players looking for these information)
Thank you in advance -
I believe you are talking about the WCC (World Crews Championship).
You can get info about that on the official topic for WCC on forums, first you have to join the Polish Group so you can have access to topics on the polish community forums.
Then you can go take a look at the WCC Topic where you will get all useful info.
Yes. Thank you very much
You're welcome mate!
Since this is clear, this topic is closed...