Searching leauges in a nation
There is an issue where when choosing a new club you can't search through the leauges of each nation. So when you choose a nation you only get one league and it's all ready in game week 4
Same problem
I'm waiting for the bug get fixed.
@hakansavun Hi, welcome.
You're not the only one and waiting till it get's fixed is the only thing we can do now. -
I noticed i cannot choose to join other leagues than those proposed by the game, like i choose a country then go to Other leagues so i can fill in other leagues other than the ghosts ones with very less in numbers.Was this an update as well?
@jhon-goodwilly @peppiko38 @HakanSavun @MASTER-CHIKEN-LIMON @NoobSkill3d
Until this matter is fixed , the best you can try is to use your browser version and, while you are inside the country you wish to search for new club to manage , just reload your web page and this way new league & available clubs will appear in front of your screen. Better use a pc or laptop .