Crew battle league
Большой Босс Альфаreplied to SpecialOne on 14 Sept 2022, 09:23 last edited by Большой Босс Альфа 14 Sept 2022, 09:24
@specialone Hello dear admin, when will the new combat league be released, and what? How long to wait, please tell me
@большой-босс-альфа China is new battle league
@ado-hackovic When will she come out?
Why China?
@alyssagb YESSSSS !!!!
Happy Birthday -
New battle league, please...
@kings-dutza I guess tommorow will be changed
@AlyssaGB is there Novi Pazar?
France is not suited for crew battle league because PSG is to overpowered. Even if u give the other crew the best options left for the other ds targets , its remains to unfair. Was this feedback not received last time?
@MikevanderHilst_NL 9 of 10 (or at least 5) need to invest real money to empower their team, hence your complaint is not a complaint.
What will be the new country? Usually announced on wednesdays.