[Official Topic] - Tactics Request
No you can't use players of one line into another mate. As it has been told many times, utility positions are currently not available. -
@mαhmouժ-muhαmmαժ You don't have to have players in their specific positions, yes it would be better if you did but you're only gonna be using 343 against the 451's which means you outclass them tactically so no big deal if there's 2 players not in their exact positions, just make sure it's a midfielder at least
@dexterz_1 Yeah that is what I meant, RF can be used as a RM but he would play better in his original position.
Does really 4-3-3 A beat 4-3-3 B because i have cup final in a week and I need to know if I need to buy a CAM.. pls answer
No RF can't be used as RM. RF would perform best in his position, second best he would perform in any forward position. But he can't play in any other line which in this case is midfielder. -
Formations matter on the basis of players you've chosen. In this case, there are 2 formations, 4-3-3 A and 4-3-3 B. For this you need two central midfielders so you get more bonus. Now that you've central midfielders, choose out of any of the two. Defensive midfielder or attacking midfielder. Choose the one who is better. One more point to remember, in both formations the best style of play is wing play. Now if majority of the players have more attack or defense, it may change linear tactics. If the midfielders have almost defending or attacking just like the same (difference between them shouldn't be more than 2) then you can choose stay in position. Hope it helps! -
@vinayak-singh-mehra Playing against 433B sos today, my team is way stronger, how should I play?
@filipe-balsas how is 4-3-3 b s.o.s?
Send your opponent's lineups, I already have yours. -
4-3-3 B SOS doesn't make sense. Both 4-3-3 formations prefer wing play. -
When I have the following 5 defenders, which players would you use in a 4-3-3 B wing play formation? This includes a DR, DC, DC and DL. My opponents also players 4-3-3 B wing and his team is slightly weaker, the match is in my stadium.
My 5 players available:
DC 116/17
DC 116/10
DC 113/7
DC 111/5
DL 108/44I am still struggling with the new detailed player position and would like to get some advice about the defense part of my formation.
@mu7arraqi911 you can play 3-4-3 with controller backs like Marcos Alonso instead of high-speed backs. It's more common in EPL. Moreover, the long ball can be useful when the rival is playing high-pressing game.
@vinayak-singh-mehra Yeah but that's how he was playing. Anyways, that game is already finished. Now, I really need these points and I hope you all here can help me, I'm going to play versus a guy that always plays 4-3-3B wing play.
My squad/vs his squad atm:
(a very balanced game)I would really appreciate what formation should I use against him and which line tactics. TYVM!
@filipe-balsas i definitely recommend this.
451 (shoot)
help midfield defender.
other positions fixed..good luck.
I am confused that what rating is there for each position. From next time please write which rating is for which position. I also wanted to tell you one more thing that whenever you ask me any question, at that time I am sleeping because in India everyone sleeps at that time so from the next time please ask queries from 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM Indian standard time. Sometimes, I can answer till 9:30 PM. -
Do not prefer the DL. DCs are overpowered as compared to the DC. -
I prefer long Ball when there are 2 midfielders. Best long Ball formations are 4-2-4 A and B (they prefer shoot on sight when forwards are better compared to opponents) 5-2-3 A and B prefer long Ball too. No other formation for long Ball is better. -
@cnytakn what do you recomend for 433b?
Wing play