Game Updates
Can anyone help me and find solution to the issue of my playing not selling on winnerscup
Am I the only one thinking that the new player cards are useless? Looks fancy, but can't see any stats on it like before. I would recommend to bring back stats on it.
@Lausinho-0 said in Game Updates:
Am I the only one thinking that the new player cards are useless? Looks fancy, but can't see any stats on it like before. I would recommend to bring back stats on it.
Thank you so much for the quick reaction to this problem, dear OSM Staff!
Now this looks way better! -
Normally, it seems they are either available at their true rating (so for most of the unknown countries, it will likely find players rated 50-60), or at 100+, where it will turn players with any rating into 100+ superstars. I generally do the latter since I also want my teams to win, but when I scout in for players from Bangladesh for instance, I get no matches, even though in the Bangladesh league, there are definitely players that meet my criteria
Hello fellas, my players are not selling in winners cup, while others dominate transfer list everyday, not my first time to experience it.
The higher price tag you sell them at, the more time they’ll take to sell