Divisions - Discussion/Questions....
@wakil-isco No need to even spend money ... 4 closed championships, against the computer, all the time .. No recruitments no friends no training camp ..... So no need to even give up money
@wakil-isco No interest, but in any case that no longer allows me to be at the top of the ranking while playing osm duels with my crew or championships against a good manager ... And leaves room at the top representing the eh we likes to the majority of average players ...
Who have a division and a ranking above mine in 6 months -
i like the new medal system, higher ranking is harder to hold on. just the top 100 ranking gives opportunity to play private leagues in order to manipulate your ranking by easy winning your own league cause there is no competition. top 100 manager should forced to play competition tournaments or leagues by osm system randomly once per month and up to 4 slots. 🦿️ so beat the AI …
A suggestion
When we are defeated, the medallion points decrease, but this is not so. Isn't it too much to lose more than 1500 medal points, even if we lose 3 times what we earn from the points won against the manager, but you lose more than 10 times the winnings, when we win against a manager, we give us 88 medallion points against the team without a manager. 8 -12 points it's not fair, we can't always play against the manager team so we can win the points we lost -
@tagovailoa The new medal system is unbalanced.
This picture here from the earlier post by @Wenger-Wise shows that this is not the case. Look at the balance between lost and won medals. I forgot, no balance. It's too unpredictable. and also... when you said "just the top 100 ranking gives opportunity to play private leagues in order to manipulate your ranking by easy winning your own league cause there is no competition. top 100 manager should forced to play competition tournaments or leagues by osm system randomly once per month and up to 4 slots. 🦿️ so beat the AI …"
Can you go into more detail here, and how does support your claim of manager medals being the better ranking form? -
@kloppindakop Sure, it‘s harder to stay on top by higher degressing than progressing. i have level 10 and a loss costs me over 1500 points. you have to play constantly better to rise up and to do this you should get more variable not using just one or two formations. managers who feel better to manipulate their ranking by playing private leagues withoutcompetitioned teams you can not prevent, also when you invest money they have advantage but this is ok cause osm can not live just by advertising.
the transfersystem is now harder too, of course not realistic but for gameplay more balanced. survival of the fittest forced managers to adapt their strategy, new rules, new challenge. -
@tagovailoa said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
managers who feel better to manipulate their ranking by playing private leagues withoutcompetitioned teams you can not prevent,
Yes you can prevent that. You want to play private league? You can, but no manager medals/points for that league. Also a simple fix by giving more value for beating higher ranked managers. A win vs lvl 1 or 2 manager cannot be valued the same as a win vs.lvl 9 or 10 manager. And thos bots that are used in private leagues are mainly always max lvl 5.
@majstor-matt adapting the AI they can do but then not only for privates leagues. the question is whether managers resigning more rather than step new in when the entire gameplay is harder by AI.
@tagovailoa But what about the 99.999999% of managers that aren't in the top 100? If everyone loses points in such a drastic way, in a few years time having 40,000 will be an insane amount. No one will be able to progress to higher rankings.
@kloppindakop osm make it already easier by the game consulting guy. everybody has support by tactic forum too, so it‘s not a rocket sciense to earn some medals. maybe they raise the bonus points to enter a top ranking and give newbies some more coins to aim the first task in schedule. i would vote for a level 11 instead making the medals system easier but anyway i am not in charge.
@tagovailoa I am saying that people will EARN medals, but how much? And it would be easier if we still had manager points.
@SpecialOne Hello
Can you explain that the first in a competitive league is more or less -3000 medals when he is first
I think that in my opinion there is a very big problem in your calculation system and that it will have to be reviewed because there is no logic in it or else you have to play a bot league to win some ?
@otman347891 said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
@SpecialOne Hello
Can you explain that the first in a competitive league is more or less -3000 medals when he is first
I think that in my opinion there is a very big problem in your calculation system and that it will have to be reviewed because there is no logic in it or else you have to play a bot league to win some ?
The last league I played I finished 3rd with a goal 9 playing against all the top crews in CCW. Very strong leagues and good squad builders. Big difference in squad values at the start in these community leagues between goals.
I got - 3,855 (minus) medals in it when I finished
get hardly any for a win and loads per loss throughout the league…….
But these medals are a worthy replacement for manager pointswho thinks these are good a replacement need to go in hard leagues and not chump leagues. Whoevers idea this was is a very bright guy🥴
@jeffro-davies The new ranking system it's really a joke!
Goal 16... Ranked 4th... Minus 5.725 medals...
@otman347891 good exemple !!!!!
@SpecialOne one reaction please about this? -