Something new incoming...
I hope that's Fantasy League
nvm just another BC spending event
@SpecialOne As everyone else, I also hope its Fantasy League because that is what people are asking for ages
I really hope Its not something like that VIP ranking a.k.a. money spending galore event
That something new will come in November, I knew because you can find the information on Twitter, but I think it would be fantasy league
But referring to the phrase something new I think it would be not the fantasy league and relying again on Twitter with the announcement or is it new?...
So, until next week, we have to guess what new will come in OSM...
Fantasy League, maybe???
i hope that's fantasy league... PLEASE!
@Lirind said in Something new incoming...:
That something new will come in November, I knew because you can find the information on Twitter, but I think it would be fantasy league
But referring to the phrase something new I think it would be not the fantasy league and relying again on Twitter with the announcement or is it new?...
So, until next week, we have to guess what new will come in OSM...
read the whole text, "It might seem familiar to some of you, but to others it's something completely new..."
The thing they are saying about seems to have already been in the game at some point in the past so the new players will think it's brand new. I'm not 100% sure, but fantasy league is coming back baby! -
Boss, great news! The Fantasy League received a complete overhaul, so create your dream team now!
The improved Classic Fantasy League involves three different budgets: 50M, 100M and 150M which the League Moderator can choose. As always, all teams within the league will have the same budget.
On top of the renewed Classic Fantasy League, you'll now be able to create an Advanced Fantasy League. Your goal will be determined when all other teams completed their squad selection depending on how much budget they spent.
Font:Twitter -
Fantasia League reminds me of the beginning of my game here on OSM. I started having fun with this mode in the old version, with real-life friends, and it was one of the first group championships with UoS. Adrenaline-pumping and exciting, a nice mode.
I think definitely fantasy league is coming
My thread has gone lol
Hope you are in a fantasy league.
I am also counting on friendly matches in groups.
Sometimes matches are very late when, for example, we sleep at night and the opponent holds us in his hand so that the secrets are useful and at such moments the game becomes uneven !!!
@I-Love-Niken said in Something new incoming...:
My thread has gone lol
I wonder what was in your post that got it deleted
I believe we will soon get used to these messages
The Fantasy League can't begin until all teams are ready! If you still have to put together your team, this is only possible via the OSM apps.
You canโt join this League, because you can only join a Fantasy League in the OSM apps.
I hope it is a one player league simulation so that we dont have to wait 24 hours
@lavina14 you can play friendlies with every league member. It will be close to "one player league simulation"
Super SuperLiga with TOP 20 clubs in Europa?
So today is the day of the announcement of the new upcoming feature...
Some of you were smart and ahead of us, but:
The Fantasy League will return soon!
You read it right! The Fantasy League will return in OSM!
The well-known League from the OSM past will return soon. We are working hard to make the League as fun as possible for you.
The return of the Fantasy League is expected around November 26, so make sure you've a manager slot available!