OSM WC 2021 Edition
@feelstrikex Congratulations for your work, your explanations and your idea.
Of course, nothing is perfect, but at least it would be representative of the level of the participants. I like your idea, not perfect, but nice and logical.I will never understand how GB can accept that all of its highest representatives in the rankings are either cheaters or players who only play against computers and therefore do not bring money to GB...
And no more one return from them on all this, or on the disappearance of the toilet for 2 years... -
@timilic7 What to expect for a game that has "Hall of Fame" in which there are mainly players who played for less than a full year and are long gone from the game... Hall of Fame is usually prestige and exclusive thing in all professions/sports.. but only on OSM it is a joke..
FeelStrikeX Portuguese Usersreplied to Majstor Matt on 1 Apr 2022, 14:14 last edited by FeelStrikeX 1 Apr 2022, 14:15
So, as a rule, those who are not in groups are either new players or players who intend to do the sad scenes that we have seen to be at the top of the current ranking or they are players who are kind of reforming, because some days they play other days they don't. they play this on the vast majority of players who don't have a group.
In my opinion of course.
@feelstrikex Yeah, I understand. Its quite hard to find a perfect criteria.. We will see what will the come up with next..
hello staff, still no news for the world championship?
And will we soon have news on changes to this medal system as you announced to us more than a year ago? Or is this ridiculous ranking definitively integrated in this form where only guys playing alone against the bot or with multiple accounts can be well ranked?
@HarryPoon_NL Hello,
I suggest you to create a special pack to enter in the OSM World Championship 2023. Around 20 euros seems a good price for everyone (OSM and customers).
Of course, for a fair game this money will be the only one to spend during all the competition. It means no TC, no friendly, no training speed-up, no transfer etc during a competition with funny teams (cartoon characters, Greek gods etc.) as in the past.
It would be appreciate to have the possibility to win valuable prizes (based on the number of participants + special avatars + trophies and why not an interview on your Youtube channel. Be creative!
In order to avoid to luck to have a too important part to play, at least 4 players should have the possibility to join the next round per league... Better to have interesting leagues until the end. And no resignation.
Promotion should be very important, make something funny, please!
It is not the perfect suggestion, just the way to follow. Some details have to be finalized (number of leagues and rounds, random drawing, automatic system etc.) but that is your job!
Despite the risk to be out from the first round, even old players would be ready to pay this 20 euros pack to have fun joining a fair and competitive OSM WC instead of play in boring "pay to win" leagues.
You can do it! -
Love how even after all this time you guys are still optimistic about this and expect something from Miniclip
They simply dont care about competitiveness, so Hall of Fame ranking is all you can expect guys
As it seems that is too much difficult for the staff to find a simple system to select participants since the end of manager points, I proposed this option to register to the tournament. I hoped a lucrative prospect would bring OSM WC to Harry's attention... lol But I realised that is too much complicated for Gamebasics, they probably think : why invest time and energy in something like that if we can make easy money with boss coins business...
OSM WC won't have any other edition.
It wasn't possible to find a solution to make it in a fair way and gathering the best OSM managers in an event.
If later we manage to have a solution for this we'll do it!
S SpecialOne locked this topic on 21 Feb 2023, 10:56