Spying Problem
The Spy came back but when i check, dont see nothing just the page of Spy to investigate an Team....
Login: Lirind
Account: Slot 3
League number: (not manadatory if you don't know how to find it)
Date & Time of the bug: Today
Platform: WEB
Screenshots: http://prnt.sc/e0njvr
Bug step-by-step Description: The Spy came back but when i check, dont see nothing just the page of Spy to investigate an Team.... -
@Lirind Hi Lirind
Do me a favor mate and go to your Friendlies page. If you see this manager's team being locked it might mean that he used a secret training on you and possibly a training camp. If his team is shown unlocked then yes you probably have a bug there.
Please add a shot from that page and also your browser on your bug report. Thanks mate. -
Just i cant play a friendly, he hasnt use a training camp or secret training
Login: Lirind
Account: Slot 3
League number: (not manadatory if you don't know how to find it)
Date & Time of the bug: Today - around 16:50 - 17:00
Platform: WEB - Google Chrome
Screenshots: http://prnt.sc/e0njvr , http://prntscr.com/e0nxm8
Bug step-by-step Description: The Spy came back but when i check, dont see nothing just the page of Spy to investigate an Team and he hasnt use a training camp or secret training -
The problem is just on the Slot 3