A crewmate can't manage on more than 1 slot
One crewmate (his username is: Milen Denev ) can't join our crew league because he can't manage on slot 2,3 or 4. The slots are locked like it was for him such as it was for the no ticketholders in the past. He has over 1000 matches expirience and considering that the new format of the game allows everyone having 4 slots, that seems to be a big problem. He tryed to log in via Facebook and via the osm site thought the facebook option but nothing helps. I hope the bug will be fixed soon, thanks : )
@Alexander6666 Hiya buddy.
Alex I will need a screen shot taken from your mate's Career page: http://prntscr.com/e0picc
Look at my shots carefully please.
This one is taken from my game's profile page: http://prnt.sc/e0peii
And this one is taken from my Career page : http://prnt.sc/e0pf5z
So according to your screen shot Alex, your friend has all his 4 accounts with zero days , they must be unlocked and ready to go. Please get back to me with the new pic .
Everything seems to be ok now -
@Alexander6666 Great Alex! I'm glad for you and your crew mate.
Thanks for your feedback buddy. :thumbsup_tone2: